*Yell-Free Year Challenge Daily Tip* Creating a positive family - TopicsExpress


*Yell-Free Year Challenge Daily Tip* Creating a positive family culture is key to building happy, healthy families. Positive, loving, supportive, healthy families dont just happen; they take a lot of intentionality. Today, we continue our series on creating a positive family culture. Tip #8 Sample Family Meeting Agenda 1. Appreciations - Each person names something a family member did that week that they appreciate. Start an appreciation board to help them watch for and point out things they appreciate. 2. Contributions - Distribution of family work. List contributions that need done or put them in a bowl and let kids choose. If they are absent or refuse to choose, choose for them. Be consistent with follow through. If they dont like their job, explain they can pick another one in 7 days. 3. Problem-solving/Planning - Tackle any problems the family is having. If getting out the door on time is a problem, discuss this in the meeting. If siblings have been arguing too much, problem-solve this in the meeting. If there are no problems for the week, work on vacation or weekend planning. 4. Allowances - Hand out allowances at this time. If the child refused to attend, they may not get their allowance. This is your choice. I have read $1 per each year of age up to age 12, then cut in half as they can earn their own money then. This is completely up to the family unit, however. If the family cant come to consensus on a problem, it stays on the table. Parents solve until family comes to consensus. Revisit at next weeks meeting. For example, if fighting over the gaming system is a continual problem that was brought forth at the family meeting and the children would not work toward problem solving, the parents may decide the solution is to remove the gaming system for the week. Next week, they get another shot at coming up with a solution.
Posted on: Sun, 15 Jun 2014 14:00:01 +0000

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