Yesterday, I heard mayoral Newark candidate Shavar Jeffries say - TopicsExpress


Yesterday, I heard mayoral Newark candidate Shavar Jeffries say Newark could be the next Detroit. There is an estimated $30 million budget deficit looming over Newark. And I sat there and wondered will we be the next municipal to go bankrupt? How did we get here? Is this a result of politicians staying in power for yearssss? Former Mayor Sharpe James served as mayor for 20 years then landed in federal prison for corruption. And no offense to Amador (cause its not personally about him to me), but he has served as East Ward Council for 16 years. I wondered why dont we have term limits? Ive heard the councils approve the term limits. Is that where the problem begins? Or is it deeper - cause Cory Booker served such a short term and how much did he really do that helped our city? Our schools have been taken over by the state. Although we are fighting for local control. There is a potential of state takeover of our citys finances and federal oversight of our police force. The State Troopers are already here. Yet, Newark Council members defend their high salaries and staffing levels. I think they are the highest paid in NJ! And to top it off, our council members have their relatives filling cushy city office positions. Hate letting the richer get richer through corruption and seeing the poor get poorer because of it. We deserve more. Newark elections are so important. Research the candidates. Meet them. Vote. Voting still means something.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 14:05:39 +0000

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