cannot shake an image from my minds eye that I saw in a quick - TopicsExpress


cannot shake an image from my minds eye that I saw in a quick soundbite from Sunday nights 60 was about the tragedy going on in Syria and the suffering and death...they filmed a school that tried to stay afloat amid the constant gunfire and first we see the dedicated teacher marking the spot where two former students, who hours earlier were just there, were now tragically gone in an instant, victims of the bloodshed nearby, they now they lay silently in the streets near the school, enveloped by the oversized blue body bags that seemed to frame the status of their demise...the cameras roll across the sand-blown empty streets, where bodies lay here and there, scattered like leaves in the wind, but now lifeless and literally dead weight, never to move again...but wait, there is one more body, it was the barely moving body of a twisted, wounded kitten, blinded in one eye and bleeding from many wounds across its starved, skeletal small body, which nonetheless was still miraculously moving somehow,, fighting death as it looked furtively toward the cameras and cries for help, a mewing which is barely audible but nonetheless the most haunting sound I have ever heard -- I cannot erase from my mind the spirit and fight that was left in this half dead kittens body...with all of this still so fresh in my mind, torn with my own despair about what I saw, I have asked once more, as I have many times before, how is it possible that a higher being can allow this constant suffering? how does evil thrive in our world, year after year after year - where it continues to remain ensconced firmly in some of the darker hearts of a large part of mankind; do we all ignore that evil and just chalk it up to that old addage that says in part: evil will always be there, fighting it out with the ying and yany balance of negative and positive...or will one day enlightenment dispel the darkness, and forever end its presence...maybe one day?
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 05:51:11 +0000

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