while India produced about 25 percent of world industrial output - TopicsExpress


while India produced about 25 percent of world industrial output in 1750, this figure had fallen to only 2 percent by 1900. The reason India produced about 25 percent of world industrial output in 1750, this figure had fallen to only 2 percent by 1900. It was India and China huge population advantage, the size of the economy was though naturally bigger as population was in between 100-150m people in times of Akbar, so on per capita basis they had a far larger shares but in no way these economies were booming economies, they remained stagnant for nearly a 100 years, despite of major intellectual advantage, India was the equivalent of silicon valley of the mathematics, its originality, creativity and recuperation was maimed by these continusl invasions and killngsd. India progress stopped, as the post renaissance once the dogma was thrown out took off, and industrial revolution set off the world rocketed ahead and China and Indian sub-continent remained stagnated: Over the past millennium, world population rose 22–fold. Per capita income increased 13–fold, world GDP nearly 300–fold. This contrasts sharply with the preceding millennium, when world population grew by only a sixth, and there was no advance in per capita income. Indian economy remained stagnant at 450-560 $ per head from 1500-1950. The figure based on Prof. Angus Maddison’s research shows clearly that the economic growth of the four leading world economies was in no way lineal. Looking at the sub-categories of population, GDP and GDP per capita you can see that China was the largest economy in the world for centuries. It was not until the 19th Century that Western Europe finally caught up and soon after the United States assumed leadership. Now it looks like China is set to take back its title of largest economy on the planet. Per capita income growth is not the only indicator of welfare. Over the long run, there has been a dramatic increase in life expectation. In the year 1000, the average infant could expect to live about 24 years. A third would die in the first year of life, hunger and epidemic disease would ravage the survivors. There was an almost imperceptible rise up to 1820, mainly in Western Europe. Most of the improvement has occurred since then. Now the average infant can expect to survive 66 years society backward. @ Why the Moghuls in India and Chinese miss the Industrial revolution....... No, misplaced emphasis on dogma and ideological supremacy; treating the populace as slaves. The Ottomans refused the printing press for three hundred years, Mughals were a dying breed; Abdali would descend on Delhi periodically to kill his fellow Muslims, sarroon kee fasal puk gayee hai - Industrial revolution started with advent of steam and internal combustion engine; Mughals or the Ottomans were interested in technology but gun technology; yes they built a canal too but Jehangir built the canal to serve the Shalimar Gardens not to increase the food production; soon after 1857 the water management just changed completely the spectre of famine in Sind and upper Punjab region was avoided by these massive works culminating in likes of Lloyds Barrage, dogma and ideology was the bane of the sub-continent. Leap forward in science requires foresight, reason and rationalism all this was amiss. The absolute love of Lodhis Aurungzebs Abdalis to enforce the desert dogma through sword and terror on a riparian peaceful society. Please read Mir and Ghalib for loot kee dastaan, internecine wars of Islam crippled the North completely; it was regrettably the heart of the sub-continent .. Mir lived much of his life in Mughal Delhi. Kuchha Chelan, in Old Delhi was his address at that time. However, after Ahmad Shah Abdalis sack of Delhi each year starting 1748, he eventually moved to the court of Asaf-ud-Daulah in Lucknow, at the kings invitation. Distressed to witness the plundering of his beloved Delhi, he gave vent to his feelings through some of his couplets. کیا بود و باش پوچھے ہو پورب کے ساکنو ہم کو غریب جان کے ہنس ہنس پکار کے دلّی جو ایک شہر تھا عالم میں انتخاب رہتے تھے منتخب ہی جہاں روزگار کے جس کو فلک نے لوٹ کے ویران کر دیا ہم رہنے والے ہیں اسی اجڑے دیار کے The rape and decline continues nearly a 100 years later in 1857 appears Ghalib lamenting : Ghalib was a chronicler of a turbulent period. One by one, Ghalib saw the bazaars – Khas Bazaar, Urdu Bazaar, Kharam-ka Bazaar, disappear, whole mohallas (localities) and katras (lanes) vanish. The havelis (mansions) of his friends were razed to the ground. Ghalib wrote that Delhi had become a desert. Water was scarce. Delhi was now “ a military camp”. It was the end of the feudal elite to which Ghalib had belonged. He wrote: An ocean of blood churns around me- Alas! Were these all! The future will show What more remains for me to see.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 14:47:33 +0000

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