What body is your Souls Eternity going to - TopicsExpress

   What body is your Souls Eternity going to get next, if you continue to not unite with Humanity to clean all Corruption up finally. Tons and tons of many many different ways they are poisoning us and this planet, so wake up!. Poisons give us and everything or animal on this planet that needs water to drink from, a brain lobotomy, for real, true zombies comes to mind, research is needed now by you. You!, yes, you! all of Humanity, just expecting bad government to babysit yous when they really work for the Elite Rothschild Illuminati Freemason Cult Zionist is really stupid to be babysat by anyone that works for the Cult Mass Population Reduction of everything God Created, these fallen Angels God calls Demons really hate their Father God, and to be babysat by God knows who or what, causes bad things to all this planet, not just Humanity. Everyones pharmaceutical poisons medication, your taxes that go to these government waste so called waste treatment plants, all they do there is add! tons more chemicals to cause the solids to sink to the bottom and the top waste poisonous so call water is put right back out where they bring it back in for you! Humanity to drink from. Wanting Humanity to play God for all your lifes cures, this kind of babysitting has got to stop, or extinction isnt just for us Humanity, but for Mother Earth. A bed of God created silver (like in natural spring water) our water would run over, for 30 seconds, would kill off everything that kills us, bigger picture for the People to run their own lives. Or these old wells in older homes, put filters on it, is a ton more healthier then relying on bad cult government to protect your health. Your expecting any one Human to have all the answers to run your life, and thats never going to happen, period. And yes there are clean products, vinegar is one, steam for your floors so that the poisons dont become air born, and they do when the water evaporates, the poisons become a powder that you cant see, and when you walk on your floor these powder poisons go right up into your nose and into your brains. Most new cloths washers and dryers have steam with natural soaps, vinegar works well even for your dishwashers. If we could plant Kelp in our waters, this detoxifies, if we pants Cannabis and made it like a tea and put it in our waters, this detoxifies, if we didnt have the rain run off, of these poisonous GMO Nazi Scientific created for their population reduction, everything!!!... is Cause and Effect of that, Wake up and really look around at the bigger picture and mess we have all let happen. I take my share of the blame to for being asleep when I was, but since first waking up, I have been trying so hard to wake the rest of you Humanity up to. Father God entrusted us to look after this Beautiful Planet we all live on, it still belongs to Father God. Why would he every pass it down to us, when we have been just letting her Die like this. Us Doing nothing to stop all the crimes the Elite have been getting away with, is the same thing as consent!. We have been just as guilty as the Elite when we found out, because we havent Unite together like Iceland did to Citizens Arrest them all, bigger picture yet to come. But only if we have your!, help. Stop passing the buck. Birds dropping from the sky, and other animals in the drove washing every second on our shore lines, everything is becoming extinct, lung viruss these Nazi scientist have been creating, are being administered in worldwide Chemtrails, research is needed now, and more than overdue by you. Please Wakeup! while there is a bit more time. Research Chemtrails and on a day to day bases what they put in them bigger picture $125.00 a test from a good scientist, Haarp Machine, and not the tons of music called haarp machine there now putting up. Bigger picture. JiNN and SHADOW Beings are these fallen Angels Lucifers many split personality mental illnesses names over us all. Get off of your knees Humanity Father God is watching, if you know about Corruption, we need you to come forth to show an even bigger picture to Humanity, that now is!, getting off of our knees to these Demons in bad government. Thank you Father God and Thank you Jesus Christ. If you work in bad government, please either step down, or clean government up to a non corruptible system that only can benefit! Humanity, but no more babysitting us (Humanity) with your sick mental illness of babysiting of us, we are sick of it, in Jesus Christ name We the People from God are sick of your mental illness over us. Bigger picture below to connect some more dots in this bigger picture Humanity. nesaranews.blogspot/2014/12/the-global-currency-reset-is-now-100.html Dismantle the Central Intelligence Agency 13 hrs · BREAKING NEWS ALERT ~ CONGRATULATIONS AMERICA ON 12/12/2014 ~ THIS IS A MOMENT IN HISTORY ---- AS OF 12:01 AM EST, YOU ARE A REPUBLIC AGAIN. PRINCE WILLIAM WAS FLOWN IN BY MILITARY JET INTO RENO TO SIGN OFF THE TREATY BETWEEN US & GREAT BRITAIN. WE ARE A FREE NATION! AS OF 12:01 AM EST, THE US CORPORATION HAS BEEN DISSOLVED. MANY FED AGENCIES WILL BE ABSOLVED INTO THE REPUBLIC & SOME DISSOLVED. COMMON LAW IS NOW IN PLACE AND ADMIRALTY LAW HAS BEEN TERMINATED. CONSIDER THE IMPLICATIONS. FEMA CAMPS HAVE BEEN REOPENED, BEING STAFFED & LOADING. THE BAD HOMBRES ARE BEING ROUNDED UP BY A BRIGADE OF TEXAS RANGERS WHO HAVE BEEN DEPUTIZED BY THE MARSHALLS. Publicado por Dinaresgurus.blogspot FORO DINAR GURUS en 5:09 AM nesaranews.blogspot/…/the-global-currency-reset-… I hope this is not just another one of their lies, In Jesus Christ name help us please. Which place on the planet has the most onboard with this, will be where the reset from Satans system of control, to Father Gods system of true Freedom, and our God given inheritance will be first on this planet. on.rt/kja51w The Elite only put in Illuminati Cult Judges, so you see, there is not Justice so long as the People Humanity stays like sheeply cattle to be babysat by the mentally ill, bigger picture. Share, and Follow Please. Wake up with Humanity, you might be called for a special worded Pray to our Souls Creator Father God, Please S.O.S Mother Earth, in tons of different ways. Type into YouTube, Humanity Wake up, then watch all them videos, watch all them and you will see every country mass marches against! Satans bad corrupted fake government that not one of us has given written permission to babysit any of us, bigger picture Humanity wake up with us please. You have to watch the photos in them videos, and not, just the message, to really wake up. What just one of the 1%ers Elite Rothschild Illuminati Freemason Zionist Muslim Brother to Satan looks like. Compulsive lying is a mental illness. If you research Obamas Bloodline, bigger picture going on. How important is Satan!, whenever Obama has been asked a lot of times, over and over and over again, that, if he truly Loves Satan, to please put this in an hour video and post it up on youtube, call it, Obama Loves Satan, with out hiding it in reverse speech. But he will never do this, because Humanity holds it in their tongues to call upon Father God and Jesus Christ to get these Demons off of our planet for good, and its all about the majoritys and all of our Free Will together to kick them off of this planet now, but most are not awake fully yet, because they live in Fear, to not help Humanity out of this Demonic mess our Bibles warned us all about. Bigger picture. All federal government leaders are only leaders if they are of Lucifers Bloodline, and are taught by his School system. And Obamas whole life has been trained by these Luciferians Communis Demon Worshipers. Research is needed now. False Flags -s Lies for the Elite Rothschild Illuminati Freemason Zionist Cult Muslim Brotherhood to Satans Agenda over Humanity. What lies look like afterwards to Humanity. Sandy hook 9/11 inside job. Bin Laden is Obamas twin. That plan that went down, and people were phoning their familys cell phones and they were still ringing, but no one answered them. Bigger picture. The 1%ers in charge right now, until Humanity quites this Demon Cult membership, of being babysat by them, is big time Mental Illness!. When they want to make War on someone or a federal leader of their own Cult CIA Cult membership, they just hire actors for false flag attacks to start these wars onto Humanity, and its all for psychopaths sociopaths and possessed sick Cult entertainment, like because Humanity keeps letting them. God said to Unite against this Evil, but maybe there just to many possessed by Evil right now. Fear =s Satan the Devil. You have to stop being afraid, its all cause and effect. Its normal to have the flight or fight when in immediate danger, but even a ghost dont have more power than Jesus Christ, and its pretty bad when ever you cant get yourself to say, Jesus Christ help me please. Most people know because of our Bible, that our Fallen away from Father God Grace 1/3 of Gods Angels that God calls Demon, mated with Humanity, but what most dont know, is that these fallen Angels mated with Gods other DNA he created (Reptilians), some called the Annakodi that live under us Humanity and when they come up, that show called the Mountain Monsters sometimes records them, and they can shift in and out of frequencies that our dumbed down poisoned state of our mind body and Souls at the mercy of these bodies cause for us not to see outside of white light, bigger picture to research. If Humanity could only Unite together, with Humanity to quite Satans systems of controlling us, we could, over a bit of time fix everything, including money poverty or problems, tons and tons more than just this problems. I dont know about you, but im sick of all the financial hardships. We can even financially fix all our leaking roofs, and thats not good. Jesus Christ please help us with this. They dont care if the whole world just talks about them, they just dont want us to take them down. But this is up to Humanity to Unite with one another to do what Iceland did to them. » Geithner arrested 116 major bank resignations PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO WHATS SAID HERE !!! petition2congress/4933/arrest-barack-hussein-obama-his-criminal-assistants-in-commission/ Former World Banker Says Second Species Controls Earth Anyone feeling the need to babysit a perfectly normal Human being, over the age of 18 or even under 18 have Parents to do this, but anyone feeling the need to babysit anyone, period, that all these government feel the need to do, are the lower end of psychopaths sociopaths memberships to the 1%ers paycheck to do the things they do to Humanity, with enforcing bad Laws that these unelected senate creatures are, passing bad corrupted Laws, that they themselves break all the time. They dont have not even one persons signature to agree to these bad laws over us, Corrupt as Hell comes to mind. The mentally ill are not going to quite what they love to do to us Humanity. Its going to take what Iceland did to get rid of all their Corrupted. A much better way of living is all ready to come in once all these corrupted ones are out. But Humanity we are working with your Free Will, and we still dont have enough of yous to help us to get this job done just yet, its soon, but if only just a bit more People would take this stand with us to get rid of these Demonic systems of controlling Humanity like sheeply cattle. Ezra Levant watch him on Tv, but he is still not connecting all the dots, maybe some day hopefully. If he gives you a Golden mic, is your time to squeal on all this Demonic mess guys. Bad government said they had to torture, but I guess they did know about a needle called a truth serum. They love to torture because of their DNA and possessed, and being mentally ill, research is needed now. Demons love to torture, Humans have the imagination to know how it would feel, if they did this, or if they did that, but these Demons dont. The acts of a Soul, will squeal on them, if you know what I mean, Demon Soul, whether they are possessed by Demons, or are the shapeshifter themselves called these fallen Angels from Father God, and they are NOT! gods, please wake up, research is needed now. Unite with We Are Change and his scheduled dates and times to Confront these top Elites, help him to know all there names, and help him with your ideas Humanity, Please. Mass Marchs needed now. And Please Protect one another Humanity. If you have one of them, that pick up a rock and throw it, kick him or her out, keep this like Father God is watching, just because he is now. A lot of our other planets are now too. Family under Father God. Bigger picture with this. All Siblings from Father God, no matter what home you live on, our planet. In Jesus Christ name We the People wish to Father God that we could finally have our God given inheritance of $2000.00 every month, to live on for our basic needs, based on all of Mother Earths Equitys. Think of all that you can buy with having a job, shorter hours so that more of Humanity can have a job, bigger bigger picture yet to come Humanity With your own God given FREE WILL to Unite against all Corruption in bad governments. Thank you Father God in Jesus Christ name. Thank you Jesus Christ.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 21:27:15 +0000

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