-excerpt from a post And here is an amazing example of WHY - TopicsExpress


-excerpt from a post And here is an amazing example of WHY African Americans cant get ANYTHING DONE. We have a WORLD full of FAKE MILITANT cats that have done NOTHING but Masturbate to the idea of revolution and black power with no real Logistical or practical application for their point of view. So absolute in their bullshit they actually THINK theyve said something of merit or value... so convinced in the steady diet of bullshit theyve fed on in hopes to boost an ego so racked with insecurities.. that they dont realize how outright stupid they look .. But what i know about you Wanna be militant types is this.. Secretly.. you hate your people... just like you hate yourself.. because inside.. you think we are as weak as you. See in your heart you know .. u cant do shit about our condition.. and you know... u not really MAN enough.. Woman enough.. or Revolutionary enough to live out the BLACK POWER REVOLUTION you masturbate to in your mind. So when someone like me.. who.. is so REAL within his CYPHER speaks ANY TRUTH that dont line up with your punk ass idea of what strength is.. (cause punks guess at strength.. theyre not STRONG or BRAVE enough to put their guess to the test) you scream and wail and point your trembling fingers and people like me.. and call us Coons and boot lickers I understand you chief.. dont worry Im not even mad at you anymore.. U ALMOST made me a lil upset.. but I see thru the BS and I see u now.. I just feel sorry for u.. Good luck chief .. Black power! LOL
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 02:37:30 +0000

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