1. Hi, I would like to know how long after going to a sleep school - TopicsExpress


1. Hi, I would like to know how long after going to a sleep school did you see a vast improvement in your little ones especially at night? My LO has been home for about a month now and has good nights but still some very bad ones where it takes quite a while to resettle or where we start the day at 4/5am instead of 6/7am. Is this normal for it to be taking so long to work? I have seen great improvements in routine and day sleeps but some nights I just want to resort back to my old habits like cosleeping and feeding or rocking to sleep to get LO to settle. Any advice or success stories would be appreciated! 2. Just after advice on getting my LO to sleep in the pram for one of his day naps as it is getting quite hard to get anything done trying to work around being home for both naps (hes 9 months). He just screams in the pram when hes tired as we have taken the dummy away and will not sleep so I feel like I always have to put him in the cot to at least get one sleep cycle in for that nap. Its more for the afternoon nap than anything. Tia. 3. Im 36 weeks pregnant with first bub and Im really worried about going into labour; The hospital has said to stay at home until Im 5cm dilated or until contractions have been regularly 5mins apart for an hour. Im just worried because i dont know what to do for effective pain relief at home. Can anyone help? Also can hospitals make you go home if you get there too early? 4. I am looking for some advice for weaning my little boy from breast to bottle. My bubs will turn 1 later this month and although he is amazing with his solids, I am really struggling to move him from breast milk to a bottle. He feeds first the in the morning, 9am before his nap, 2pm before his nap and then before bed. As of late he has also started waking the night for another feed however this is only for a few minutes so I know this is purely a comfort thing. I have tried cows milk in a bottle and Sippy cup, and formula the same way however he refuses both and literally bats them away, wanting only me I have tried to persevere however he gets himself in such a state that I cave in. Any advise or suggestions would be much appreciated - I fear I will still be feeding him when he goes to school 5. What are some good baby movement monitors? Angel Care? Oricom? Please help which is best 6. Do you have any tips on how to get things done with a 4 month old who likes to be held all the time? Im finding it hard to get anything done, as soon as I put him down he screams. I love being close to him but I need to do other things swell. Any advice would be really appreciated 7. Hi wanting to know peoples opinions which do you prefere, nan ha gold or karicare? And why? 8. **Please only answer the question asked** Just wanted to ask, has anyones baby ever had a severe reaction to immunizations?
Posted on: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 02:56:02 +0000

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