[12 most] Remarkable Words You Should Include in Your Daily - TopicsExpress


[12 most] Remarkable Words You Should Include in Your Daily Vocabulary This article is kinda long (but actually its not!) and Im sure its super helpful :3 1. Facetious - Definition: Supposed to be funny, intended to be humorous but often silly or inappropriate - It can replace: Sarcastic Real world use: You may think your tweets are hysterical, but you’re just being facetious. 2. Verklempt - Definition: Yiddish, overcome with emotion; clenched; also written ferklempt - It can replace: Choked up - Real world use: Every time I see the picture of the panda hugging the police officer after the earthquake in china on pinterest, I get verklempt. 3. Apropos - Definition: Just right, appropriate in a specific situation - It can replace: On topic - Real world use: That blog post on terms of service was apropos, considering the changes many of the sites have made in the last month. 4. Incendiary - Definition: Likely to catch fire: able to catch fire spontaneously or cause a fire easily - It can replace: Aggressive - Real world use: Your incendiary comment towards me on Facebook will not go unnoticed. Prepare for comment war! 5. Brouhaha - Definition: Outcry, public criticism or protest - It can replace: Commotion - Real world use: All the brouhaha over the changes to the Facebook brand pages will die down soon. It always does. 6. Abhor - Definition: Detest something, to disapprove of or reject something very strongly - It can replace: Hate - Real world use: I abhor auto-dm’s on twitter, and will unfollow someone for sending one! 7. Incisive - Definition: Expressing or expressed clearly: characterized by clear and direct expression - It can replace: Intelligent - Real world use: Even the most incisive comment can’t always stop an online argument. 8. Myriad - Definition: Too numerous to count: so many that they cannot be counted - It can replace: A lot of - Real world use: With the myriad of social sites available, it can be difficult to choose the right places to participate. 9. Vexed - Definition: Irritated, provoked to slight annoyance, anxiety or distress - It can replace: Annoyed - Real world use: I am vexed by the number of people claiming to be social media guru’s who can’t actually walk the talk! 10. Phenomenal - Definition: Remarkable: remarkably and impressively good or great - It can replace: Incredible - Real world use: 12Most has phenomenal writers, don’t you think? 11. Faux pas - Definition: Social blunder: an embarrassing mistake that breaks a social convention - It can replace: Mistake - Real world use: A social media faux pas can be detrimental to your brand, it’s always a good idea to double check before you send something! 12. Tact - Definition: Ability to avoid giving offense: skill in situations in which other people’s feelings have to be considered - It can replace: Skill - Real world use: It takes tact to navigate the social space and its potential pitfalls. source: 12most/
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 15:47:20 +0000

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