24 August 2014 Dear Fellow Australians, Serious focus - TopicsExpress


24 August 2014 Dear Fellow Australians, Serious focus needed.....NOW! This e-mail is divided into two parts. Part one details three new videos I have launched to address the matter of Islams progress in Australia. Part two describes what I expect each True Australian to do. Um...er...that is assuming that persons receiving this genuinely love our way of life and are willing to ACT to protect it aginst those who obviously are destroying it - and our future freedom and safety. Yes, the time has come when we need to sort the I love Australia FAKES from those who genuinely do. NO. MORE. EXCUSES! This RELUCTANT e-mail, plus the videos mentioned, plus e-mails that will soon follow are the consequence of..... NOBODY else in Australia doing anything EFFECTIVE and MEANINGFUL to counter the Islamic encroachment and onslaught into Australia and the clear and present threat to our national freedom, democracy, wellness and safety. This e-mail is the first step in a clear, definite and determined plan to... STOP THE ISLAMISATION OF AUSTRALIA. PART ONE As some would know, a week ago the ex-Chief-of-Army, Peter Leahy, publicly declared that there is a war raging inside Australia. Many of us have known this for a long time. MOST Australians have NOT. It is a war..... Not involving the Buddhists amongst us. Not involving the Chinese amongst us. Not involving the Hindus amongst us. Not involving any other religious or ethnic group amongst us, except...... .... gee what a coincidence - the Muslims amongst us. The same group that is causing serious trouble in EVERY country where they have attained some strength of numbers. The same group whose teachings specifically instruct them to make war against all others. Its obvious that most Australians - including our politicians and especially (almost unbelievably!) Tony Abbott - STILL do not understand that this is a massive threat to our national well-being and safety. YOUR personal safety. The safety and future well-being of YOUR loved ones. NOW. In THIS lifetime. NOW! NOT sometime later..... In order to get all True Australians to properly understand what our NEAR-future holds if we do not take ACTION now, I have published a series of videos which should be viewed in a specific sequence. The first video is just 6 minutes long. It consists of excerpts from a documentary made in France. Few in Australia would have seen it. If it doesnt awaken every True Australian, then surely nothing will. It offers a short, sobering - and frightening - snapshot of what has happened in Europe where Muslims have deliberately increased their numbers in order to become a significant force - and threat - to their host communities. Or, to quote a young Englishman who has launched a national defence against Islam in the U.K. - a cancer in their societies. Everybody needs to FIRST watch this 6-minute video, so that they can get a true understanding and the proper mindset before watching the next video. This video will help people FULLY understand the extreme seriousness of the matter of Muslims rapidly increasing in numbers amongst us. The second video is only 11 minutes long. It is a shortened version of a full-length video in which I directly address all Australian politicians and city councillors. It places them ALL on notice that we True Australians will NOT simply stand by and allow OUR Australia to be destroyed as IS happening in Europe and other countries around the globe. It urges them to abandon their treasonous political-correctness, their dishonesty and their abject ignorance; to become properly-educated regarding Muslims and Islams agenda for Australia (and the world) and to get serious about protecting our cultural values, our way of life and succinctly - OUR Australia. It is somewhat hard-hitting, but not excessively so. This is the first time I (we - if you are with me) am/are showing some teeth towards those who have relentlessly facilitated the advance of Islam across Australia. After watching it, each True Australian (YOU?) will need to make a solid, unequivocal decision. Will YOU stand with me in showing teeth to our political and community leaders? See below and also in future e-mails re HOW we will do that - legally and non-violently - and EFFECTIVELY. Without stupid street protests and other ineffective, waste-of time-and-energy actions. No matter your personal opinions, will YOU clearly and unequivocally stand with me in defending Australia from experiencing Europes woes? Now IS the hour. We CANNOT any longer delay taking....ACTION! I call on EVERY True Australian to show their true, strong colours - or to display their craven, betraying cowardice. Additionally, within the next day or three I will be publishing a video in which I clearly explain my/OzUniteds objective regarding this matter and how exactly we will go about achieving that objective. In a nutshell, we intend to encourage all political leaders to (1) get themselves properly educated and (2) .... yes.... to stand with us, no matter what their politics are. The threat to Australia is so serious that our response MUST be above politics. I will also soon be publishing a video directly addressing Tony Abbott regarding his current ignorance, attitude and delusions. For him to get the message will require that vast numbers of True Australians strongly agree with the message. I expect every True Australian - and every group or organisation of True Australians to stand in UNITED support with us. Yes, even those who dont like me (only because they dont know me and what I stand for or because of their own ego issues!), those who disagree with me on OTHER matters and even those who have organisations who, in effect are competing against OzUnited. Remember this fact: NONE of them - NOBODY! - have/has shown any EFFECTIVENESS in counteracting Islams advance in Australia! The third video is optional watching - but strongly recommended: It covers in greater detail the realities of Islams encroachment into our way of life, the serious threat we face and what we need to do. It offers completely new and unique - and inarguable - perspectives regarding Muslims/Islam that NOBODY can rationally or honestly argue against. It is the full-length, 40 minute version of the second video. Everybody should preferably view this video because it eliminates all objections and arguments by more fully explaining these matters. Fellow Australians, there is a weakness within this nation that MUST stop. Compared to the rest of the world, almost all Australians have had such an easy life that we have come to believe that any and all aggression is .... not appropriate and ever wrong. That is a wrong belief! It depends on circumstances as to what is appropriate or not. If one does not counter aggressive extremism EFFECTIVELY, then that WILL prevail. And Islam has clearly demonstrated that it has no problem with being aggressive and extreme. (DUH!!!) Whilst I am strongly against violence and immoral/illegal activities, it is clearly obvious that unless we become non-violently aggressive in defence of our Australia, the determinedly violent and aggressive forces of Islam will prevail here. Please, think WISELY about your attitude towards an aggressive DEFENCE of all that was good about Australia against the now relentless, unprovoked aggressive attack on our way of life. Remember, Neville Chamberlains WEAK response to what was an increasing evil resulted in the deaths of tens of MILLIONS of people! We must not make the same stupid mistake! We CANNOT afford to! PART TWO I hereby call on every genuine True Australian to make a definite effort - to take specific action - to ensure that ALL their local city councillors and their local state and federal politicians watch at least the first two videos, and, most preferably, the third one. If you belong to any organisation or church group, please ensure that they too ALL watch the videos. In those videos I admonish our political and community leaders to eliminate their ignorance - and misguided viewpoints - regarding Islams objectives in Australia. I also caution them that many decisions regarding Islam in Australia have been clear TREASON against our nation and I urge them to NOT be ignorantly guilty of that same crime. They are provided with a quick, easy, effective means (The small book - The Story of Mohammed) of rapidly educating themselves about Islam and its sobering - frightening - intentions. Fellow Australians, one OzUnited subscriber has decided to send a free copy of the book to every Federal politician. That is costing him many hundreds of doallars. Its a clear indicator of (a) how serious he knows this matter to be and (b) how enlightening the book is. I strongly suggest that you buy at least one copy of the book (total cost $10.00 including mailing), read it (if you have not) and then, PHONE and urge your local politician or councillor to watch the videos, and to then additionally give him/her a copy of the book. WLL YOU TAKE THIS ACTION? FOR AUSTRALIAS SAKE? I will follow-up this e-mail with reminders and further instructions (yes... NOT suggestions - we are at WAR and everybody needs to properly understand what that means!) regarding the next steps of our ACTION. Fellow Australians, if you subscribe to any other organisation, groups or blogs (Saltshakers, Australian Taxpayers,Kangaroo Court, Qsociety, CanDo, churches, family groups, etc., etc.), you should now strongly urge them to stand with OzUnited. And why? Because - to repeat - NOBODY, none of them, has/have done anything EFFECTIVE to counteract Islams encroachment into Australia and the threat to our freedom and democracy. NOBODY!!. They had their chance to make a meaningful and effective difference. Now it is my RELUCTANT turn.....(Yes, I confess, I was HOPING Qsociety would be effective. Which is why I supported them. My hope was hopeless!) If other groups and organisations want to demonstrate their TRUE colours, then they NOW need to do so by standing UNITED with us on this ONE issue. NO. MORE. EXCUSES! NO MORE. ARGUMENTS. NO. MORE. SELF-SERVING NO. MORE SQUABBLING NO MORE ENDLESS. SPEECHES AND DEBATES! We either stand UNITED or Australia WILL fall. And for those who dont get it the word UNITED means....under ONE leader. NOT fifty thousand squabbling voices/opinions, all wanting to have a say. NOT some endless-talk committee of people, all juggling for personal power! Repeat... We either stand UNITED or Australia WILL fall. Plain and simple. Remember.............we ARE in a WAR not of our choosing Do you see ANYONE else anywhere who has demonstrated and proved the capabilities needed? The knowledge, the experience, the intelligence and...especially...the morality! Right now please take the first important step: watch the videos in the same sequence as the following links: 1. Frances Multicultural Disaster (6 minutes) - youtu.be/6V5uZCW0p1c 2. Excerpts from My Conversation with Bendigo City councillors (and ALL other politicians and community leaders) (11 minutes) - youtu.be/4n_ZSjL2U4A and optional but STRONGLY preferable..... 3. Full-length (40 minute) version of Isl ams progress in Australia (40 minutes) youtu.be/VbTHKLYz7xA We True Australians MUST unite and we MUST fight back now .... .... for Australias sake.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 10:55:48 +0000

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