A CHALLENGE TO UNDERSTAND THE GREATER NEED TO SAVE AMERICA I SELDOM SPEAK OF MYSELF, SIMPLY BECAUSE THIS BATTLE WE FIND OURSELVES IN ISNT ABOUT ME OR YOU. ITS ABOUT SAVING OUR COUNTRY. IT MUST REMAIN SO NO MATTER WHAT. I DID HOWEVER, WANT TO TOUCH ON SOMETHING AND NOT SURE WHY. MAYBE THE HOLY SPIRIT MOVING ME? I CANT SAY FOR CERTAIN. ITS NOT THAT IMPORTANT. I JUST HOPE IT COMPELS OTHERS IN SOME POSITIVE WAY... I TURNED 53 THIS SUMMER AND NEVER IN MY LIFE HAVE I EVER IMAGINED WHERE WE WOULD FIND OURSELVES AS A NATION. WHEN I WAS BORN, MY PARENTS NAMED ME MARK. NOW THAT MEANS NOTHING TO MOST AND IT WAS JUST A POPULAR NAME THE YEAR I WAS BORN. I LEARNED YEARS AFTER I GOT SAVED THAT IT WAS HEBREW FOR WARRIOR. EVEN THEN, I ONLY THOUGHT IT EXPLAINED AWAY THE HELLION I WAS GROWING UP. MY DAD USED TO PAY THE BABY SITTERS AN EXTRA $20 TO GET THEM TO QUIT CRYING. YES HELLION. THEN AS A TEEN AND ACCEPTING CHRIST AS MY SAVIOR, MY EYES BEGAN TO OPEN TO THINGS AROUND ME IN A TOTALLY DIFFERENT LIGHT. YEARS LATER, WE HAVE ARRIVED BY DIFFERENT PATHS TO WHERE WE GATHER NOW. ANGRY, HEART BROKEN, FRUSTRATED AND NEEDING TO DO SOMETHING. THE LAST IS THE MOST IMPORTANT. FOR WE WRESTLE NOT AGAINST MATTERS OF FLESH AND BLOOD, BUT RATHER OF POWERS, OF PRINCIPALITIES, OF RULERS OF DARKNESS IN HIGH PLACES. GOD WORKS THREW THOSE WHO ARE HIS. RIGHT NOW GOD NEEDS US TO BE SURRENDERED AND WILLING MORE THAN EVER BECAUSE HE HAS SOMETHING VERY POWERFUL FOR US TO DO. YES IT MAY BE THE LAST DAYS. YES WE CAN EASILY LOOK FORWARD TO HEAVEN AND NOT CARE WHAT HAPPENS HERE. IS THAT WHAT GOD REALLY WANTS US TO BE DOING? TO BE LOOKING FORWARD TO HEAVEN? MY GRANDMOTHER, WHEN I WAS GROWING UP USED TO HAVE A SAYING THAT I HAVE NEVER FORGOTTEN, PEOPLE ARE SO HEAVENLY MINDED THEY ARE NO EARTHLY GOOD. FOR YEARS I DID NOT UNDERSTAND HER WORDS AND TO THIS DAY STILL AM NOT SURE WHERE THOSE WORDS ORIGINATED, BUT THEY ARE SO TRUE. IN THE 1940s PEOPLE THOUGHT ADOLPH HITLER WAS THE ANTI-CHRIST AND I SUPPOSE FOR GOOD REASON. HOWEVER IF EVERYONE DECIDED THAT ALL WAS LOST BASED ON THAT CONCLUSION, WE MAY NOT EVEN BE HERE TODAY IF EVERYONE GAVE UP AND LET HITLER AND OTHERS IMPOSE THEIR EVIL PLANS ON US TO A SUCCESSFUL CONCLUSION. INSTEAD GOOD MEN AND WOMEN, MANY THAT BELIEVED IN GOD AND OTHERS THAT HAD A KNOWLEDGE OF GOD EVEN, IF HE DID NOT LIVE IN THEIR HEARTS, REALIZED THEY HAD A CHANCE TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE AND THEY COMMITTED TO DOING WHAT WAS EXPECTED OF THEM. MANY EVEN PAID THE ULTIMATE PRICE FOR THEIR EFFORTS. THE RESULT THAT MOST DONT REALIZE IS THAT AMERICA, CREATED BY SOME EXTREMELY WISE MEN OVER 237 YEARS AGO, SET THIS NATION INTO FORWARD MOTION OF TIME AND HISTORY, BASED ON GOD. THAT PART WE KNOW BUT WHAT ELUDES SO MANY IS THAT THIS NATION HAS NOT ONLY SEEN PEOPLE TURN TO GOD BECAUSE OF FREEDOM THAT CHURCHES HAVE HAD TO PREACH GODS WORD AND WILL AND MEN AND WOMEN HAVE DROPPED TO THEIR KNEES IN SURRENDER THEN TURNED AND GAVE THEIR LIVES BACK TO HIM TO GO ONTO BIBLE COLLEGE, THEN THE PULPIT AS PREACHERS, INTO THE CORPORATE WORLD AS BELIEVERS AND INTO THE REST OF THE WORLD AS MISSIONARIES TO SHARE THE GOSPEL WITH PEOPLE WHO, THEIR MANY CULTURES WE DONT EVEN BEGIN TO UNDERSTAND. AMERICA IS A NATION THAT MOST DONT REALIZE IS WHY SO MANY AROUND THE WORLD KNOW CHRIST. ALL BECAUSE SOME FOUNDING FATHERS CAME HERE AND THEN DEFENDED THIS COUNTRY EARLY ON AGAINST THE EVIL TYRANNY OF AN ENGLISH KING. i CANT SPEAK FOR OTHERS BUT I DONT WANT TO BE THE ONE THAT HAS TO EXPLAIN TO GOD IN HIS FINAL JUDGMENT OF US WHY THE REST OF THE WORLD SPENDS AN ETERNITY IN HELL WHEN THE PREACHERS AND MISSIONARIES OF THIS NATION WOULD HAVE BEEN THE HOPE OF HEARING THE SAVING KNOWLEDGE OF CHRIST AND WE LET THIS NATION SLIP OUT OF OUR HANDS. WE HAVE A GREAT RESPONSIBILITY HERE THAT GOES FAR PAST OUR COMPREHENSION. THE HOPE OF THE REST OF THE WORLD FALLS ON OUR SHOULDERS AS IT PRETTY MUCH HAS FOR THE LAST 200 PLUS YEARS. SATAN DOES NOT WANT TO SEE THAT CONTINUE FOR HIS VICTORY AND WE CANNOT LET THAT HAPPEN. WHATS THE WORST THAT CAN HAPPEN TO US? WE DIE? LAST I CHECKED, GODS WORD SAYS THAT TO DIE IS GAIN. I LOOK FORWARD TO SENDING AS MANY EVIL PEOPLE TO HELL ON MY WAY UP. AND IF MY LIFELESS BODY HITS THE GROUND ON A BATTLEFIELD SOMEWHERE, THEN I KNOW THAT MY SAVIOR IS COMBING THE MANE OF A WHOLE HEAVENLY MEADOW OF CELESTIAL WAR READY STALLIONS AND THEIR IS A WHOLE RACK OF RAZOR SHARP SWORDS STANDING READY FOR US THAT WHEN ALL SEEMS LOST HERE, GOD WILL ORDER US THAT HAVE GONE ON AHEAD OF THE LIVING BRAVE TO SADDLE UP AND WE WILL RETURN WITH OUR SWORDS WIELDING A FINAL END TO THE EVIL. WE MUST FIND STRENGTH AND CONFIDENCE IN DOING THAT WHICH IS RIGHT AND NOT SUBMIT TO FEAR. SURE WE FEAR. ITS NORMAL AND WE ARE HUMAN. ITS WHAT WE DO WITH IT THAT PLEASES GOD OR BREAKS HIS HEART. WE MUST TRAIN AND PREPARE TO BE READY WARRIORS FOR THE GAIN OF GETTING AMERICA BACK REACHES FAR PAST ANY OF OUR HOPES AND DREAMS BECAUSE OTHERS MAY COME TO KNOW CHRIST THAT WE HAVE NEVER MET. PLEASE CAREFULLY CONSIDER THESE WORDS AND SHARE THIS TRUTH WITH OTHER BELIEVERS. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The new world-wide Plant-a-Pig movement : In Seville Spain, local people found a way to stop the construction of another mosque in their town. They buried a pig on the site, and made sure this would be known to the local press. Islamic rules forbid the erecting of a Mosque on pig soiled ground. The Muslims had to cancel the project. No protests were needed by the local people, and... it worked! Plant a pig In Texas they have an overabundance of feral pigs. They could ship them all over the country, and plant them everywhere theyre needed! Americans, lets roll up our sleeves and get to work solving the problem of this spreading menace to our American way of life. If pigs are the answer, let’s do it! Besides, it would be a stimulus package for the Texas economy. Let’s keep this going! Send it on! Maybe we could get someone to even plant a pig at the White House Just thinking ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THERE ARE TWO AMERICAS AND THEY CANNOT CO EXIST! Yup...there are indeed two Americas, The first America (SHOWN IN BLUE) exists largely along the coasts and big cities, gets their news from Katie Couric and reads the Huffington Post or Daily Kos and think Obama is doing a mighty fine job based on the lap dog media that feeds them this garbage. The second America exists (SHOWN IN RED ) in the heartland, the suburbs, exurbs and rural area, gets their news from FOX, the radio and regularly visits Drudge and the enlightened internet which has direct access to facts and videos that are never show on the OMG MEDIA Network. ( OBAMA MEDIA GROUP) The first America believes that government is the solution to problems and that paying unemployment benefits has far more stimulative effect on the economy than lowering taxes.... but they also want teh SECOND AMERICA IN THEIR MIX so that they can work hard and make the money to pay for all these programs. They do not want anyone from the Second America to leave the system. The second America believes that individuals and private enterprise are the solution to problems and the government’s role is just to make certain that people play by the rules. The first America hears Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin and Sean Hannity and Conservative Talk radio and TV, and they cringe as they logically attacks their belief system attributing their disagreements and humor at their expense ....as hate speech. ( RACISTS, BIGOT, TEA PARTY TYPES) The second America hears Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin and Sean Hannity and Conservative Talk radio and TV and cheers because finally someone is espousing their values. The first America sees Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Sarah Palin and others and dismisses them quickly and rabidly because she doesn’t have the Ivy education that they value so highly and they espouse values that will tear down the fabric of dependency that they need.. and must be provided by the working Americans of the Second type!. The second America hears Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Sarah Palin and others and gets excited as they stands toe to toe with the Ivy educated masters of the universe and gives better than they get. The first America listens to National Public Radio, and MSNBC and NBC and ABC and CNN and CBS and dont think it is liberal, but instead it is just informed. The second America views Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin and Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck and Conservative Talk radio and TV, and finds them to be factual, Conservative and interesting, and enlightening as they tackle topics that others veer away from. The first America preaches tolerance and decries harsh rhetoric while at the same time calling the second America every negative names they can legally on air. The second America can’t understand why they are attacked by the first America, and now they know after 5 years of Obama that they are looking to wrest away the country from the Founders and are working to Fundamentally transform the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The first America consists of godless socialists who are bent on destroying their nation in cahoots with an Islamic Mob that also wants America as part of the Caliphate. The first and second America view the same event and come to entirely different and conflicting conclusions. This may be because they get their information about these events through entirely different lenses, or it could be that we choose different lenses because we view events from entirely different perspectives. With all of the challenges facing our nation, perhaps the largest is can these two Americas co-exist when they don’t speak the same language, get their information from the same sources, or even have a common frame of reference? Well my answer is NO.... We are now two separate countries. So we can either a) Revolt and subjugate the other side and have a resentful angry populace in our midst that we must deal with for a very long time or b) we can Secede and Restart our portion of the country and seal our borders and ban all the Socialists and Islamists and Moochers from coming over to our side and create our Constitutional Republic with better safeguards so that this does not happen again! ITS REALLY THOSE TWO CHOICES LEFT.. PLEASE READ AND SHARE AND DECIDE.. WHAT DO YOU THINK PATRIOTS ??
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 21:28:37 +0000

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