A LETTER TO FELLOW AFRICANS. I write this ingenious letter with - TopicsExpress


A LETTER TO FELLOW AFRICANS. I write this ingenious letter with its probable & ultimate destiny in mind-many of you will go through it,and forget about it.Ignorance and oblivion.those have been our worst implicators over along time now.,the cavalier attitude we give to opinion that will save us from our desperate state-a charity case.its time we stop living in delusions,to break the glass ceilling and stand up for our continent and our children.its good to be proud & to belong but what good is it to belong & be proud of this squalid state of affairs? the athrocities that we have lived to contend with even though they are silently killing us,the world aint one,forget & get a life!,where is Ebola,Aids,Poverty,prevalent? Africa.some western countries can cure this if you are an ignorant chap.America airlifted their sick citizens & cured them.but africans are dying.to arrest the protracted decline & stagnation,africa should be integrated to one at most two states....(continued on timeline)
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 05:10:08 +0000

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