A Program for Liberation and Sovereignty - Kanata Style - TopicsExpress


A Program for Liberation and Sovereignty - Kanata Style Reparations? She:kon, do you still have the great peace? SKENNA!!! "A sovereign Republic of Kanata shall be established through a direct, popular referendum and the will of the people. This mandate will allow the creation of a new Constitution that shall re-establish Canada as a federated and secular Republic, based upon the recognition of the unalienability of common law liberty and conscience, and the common ownership by all citizens of the lands, wealth and resources of the nation. Towards that end, a new Republic of Kanata shall issue and proclaim a formal Declaration of Independence from the Crown of England, abolish the office of the Governor General, disavow all oaths of allegiance to that Crown, and abolish all treaties, laws and institutions based upon the Crown, including the RCMP, the Indian Act, and the courts and Parliament of Canada. In the place of these former bodies shall be established a popularly elected Assembly of the Republic of Kanata, consisting of a Congress and a Senate, a directly elected President of the Republic, and three levels of a judiciary based on Common Law: local popular courts, courts of Appeal, and a Supreme Court of Kanata. Every aspect of the executive, legislative and judicial wings of this government shall be subject to popular election, scrutiny and recallability by the People. The Republic of Kanata shall enact an immediate program of social reclamation and recovery that will: 1. Place all of the water, lands and resources of Kanata under the authority of a public trust. 2. Cancel all debts and mortgages. 3. Place all banks, credit and the money supply under public ownership. 4. Abolish all income tax. 5. Impose a 100% tax on all wealth gained by inheritance, interest and speculation. 6. Collect all back taxes owed by corporations and the wealthy, and impose a special tax on the super wealthy and on large corporations. 7. Socialize basic services like health and medicine, education, transportation and housing, and make these essential needs freely available to all people. 8. Lower the voting age to sixteen. 9. Make all public officials electable and recallable by a simple majority of their local constituents. 10. Allow any indigenous nation to legally secede from the Republic of Kanata or remain as a member of its federated Republic. 11. Abolish land speculation and commercial trading in land. 12. Abolish foreign ownership of the economy. 13. Phase out nuclear power and the uranium industry, develop wind, solar and tidal energy industries, and abolish the sale and commercialization of water. 14. Separate church and state: Abolish funding for separate religious schools. End all oaths and religious functions connected to the state. Extend taxation to all church and religious organizations, and revoke diplomatic recognition of the Vatican. Revoke the special protection of clergy and the “blasphemous libel” provisions of the Criminal Code. Nationalize all church property and establish a Civil Constitution of the Clergy, making ministers employed by and accountable to the community. Abolish the legal status and seize the wealth and assets of the Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada in reparations for their deliberate genocide of indigenous people. 15. End all foreign military alliances and entanglements. Withdraw from NATO and all multinational economic agencies including the World Bank and the IMF. A draft Constitution for the Federated Republic of Kanata is provided separately. We present this vision and program to the people of Canada for debate, ammendment, approval and enactment, trusting in the popular will and its desire to extend the fruits of life and liberty to all of its citizenry. Local Councils of the Republican Party of Kanata (RPK) are being established in every region of Canada to bring about this new Republic through direct action as well as elective and other means. Join us and make our new society a reality now. Issued by the Provisional Council for the Republic of Kanata Winnipeg, Manitoba September 1, 2013 Information: republicofkanata@gmail You tube Video: Why we need a Republic in Canada, now: youtube/watch?v=-uIeqfVR-3g The autonomous region of Eurostat officially recognized the Republic of Kanata in May, 2011 For as long as even one hundred of us remain alive, we shall never submit to the rule of the English Crown. For in truth it is not for honors, nor for riches, nor for glory that we fight, but for liberty, for that alone, which no honest man surrenders except with life itself. - The Declaration of Arbroath, Scotland, 1320"
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 09:28:22 +0000

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