A vibrant, middle-aged couple, begins each day wondering what will - TopicsExpress


A vibrant, middle-aged couple, begins each day wondering what will and won’t work that today. Not that either one of them complains, they simply get up each day full of expectation of will the man’s legs work well enough to support him, will the tremors subside long enough to walk across the floor as he supports himself across the furniture, will his arms hold as he heads toward the bathroom, with her standing at his side as moral support and a hand when needed. After about 1-1/2 to 2 hours after rising from their evening slumber they are finally able to begin the process of starting out a new day, full of the days blessings. They work to get him bathed, dressed and then she can begin to get herself ready for a short trip to the grocery store. They use a mundane trip to the grocery store as an extension of his 6-8 hours of therapy each week. The couple arrives at the grocery store, and she immediate gets a buggy and takes it to him to be able to walk into the store without his cane or walker. The buggy has now become his walker, to assist him in slowly navigating the grocery store. As the couple slowly goes up and down throughout the store, he assist her in locating items that are needed around the house. He never lets go of the buggy while directing her to the items on the shelf, the woman notices another middle-aged couple, and if looks could kill, the her husband would be dead for sure. As the couple passes by them, she hears them say; “Big old strong man like that, and he won’t even grab that 12 pack of cold drinks off the shelf for her, Can you believe he is making her do all that work he should be doing.” There you have it, Judgment has been rendered. The “Healthy-looking”, middle-aged man is judged a worthless man because people only see a vibrant looking middle-aged man making his wife do all the “Heavy Lifting” without lifting a finger to help her. All the while, the Couple is thanking and praising God that at least he is still at her side, still able to navigate with assistance of medical and non-medical devices because only 10 months prior, the man had an accident and left him medically and physically classified as an incomplete Quadriplegic with Brown Sequard spinal cord injury that causes fluctuation from day to day on which parts of his body work and which ones will not work that day. Every day is different, and never do they have two days together that the same parts of his body work as they should. So next time you see a couple out and about and the division of labor seems to be a little off balance, remember you don’t know what challenges they face on a daily basis, nor do they know what challenges that you are facing today. However we all could learn a very valuable lesson: Don’t judge by the outward appearance of the situation, you might just be witnessing a Miracle of God without ever knowing it. And the fact that this Vibrant Middle-Aged Man can walk or move anything from the neck down is nothing short of a Miracle This story is a normal occurrence for Don and me. Whenever we go out somewhere and I have to give assistance of any kind to Don during our travels since the accident, it is very rare that we don’t have someone either openly or just under their breath make some comment about Don not doing what they think he should be doing. It really gets tiresome at times seeing how easily we humans can be judge, jury, and executioner of situations that we don’t understand.
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 05:48:45 +0000

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