AIBOC is sooo scared....Do read dis..... WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, - TopicsExpress


AIBOC is sooo scared....Do read dis..... WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 2014 AIBOC APPEALS! In recent event of developments an all India strike call of 48 hours was given by UFBU in view of a skimpy offer of 5% rise in Pay Slip components of Salary. The strike was to be observed from 6 a.m. of 20th January, 2014 till 6 a.m. on 22ndJanuary, 2014. However the strike was deferred after the revised offer was made by IBA on 17thJanuary, 2014 for 9.5% hike on pay slip cost and assurance by the IBA to hold negotiations on regular basis and to complete wage revision exercise by 30thJune, 2014. Amidst these developments we have noticed anger, anguish and remarks of our members on these developments over social media like facebook, orkut and twitter. Let me assure all of you and particularly to DROs/Probationary Officers that we are aware of your expectations and aspirations which have already been incorporated in our Charter of Demand (Please go through it once again). We agree with you that salary of bank officers is nowhere near to the equivalent government officers and some of the public sector officers. At the time of negotiations in all previous settlements this issue has been raised by trade union organizations in the Banking Industry emphasizing that salaries of Government Officials and Bank Officers were same in 1979 i.e. at the time of implementation of Pillai Committee Report. However, dilution in our salaries vis a vis Government Officials has taken place over a period starting from 1982 and gap has widened with successive settlements. We would like to inform you that wage revision negotiation is a process through which we try to extract the maximum from the Management i.e. IBA. No settlement has taken place in less than two and half years in the past and Government of India plays a major role (…………) in the process. With social media playing an important role in any movement, the agitating statements and messages by our members can give a reflection of divide within our cadre. We respect the emotions of all of you and appreciate the energy levels of the young comrades in particular. We need these energy levels to be preserved for an appropriate time. We wish to reiterate that after protracted discussion, IBA has improved their offer from 5% to 9.5% but our endeavour will be continued further to move towards the aspirations and expectations of officer’s community. While all your suggestions are welcome, we exhort you to channelise the energy in strengthening the organisation and camaraderie. With warm greetings, Yours comradely, (HARVINDER SINGH) GENERAL SECRETARY
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 05:51:16 +0000

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