ALONG THE BANKS OF THE RIVER FAIR My grin widens as I look at - TopicsExpress


ALONG THE BANKS OF THE RIVER FAIR My grin widens as I look at you Warmly, I caress your image And then you approach me I pause in the stillness; I feel like I’m in a dream So brave, your brilliant sky -blue eyes pierce my heart I try to capture that look in my mind; your whimsical smile so endearing! Appealing, so charismatic, I am so drawn to you, I melt even now! You are my missing piece; my missing half when you are near Completely insane, completely smitten; I consider myself so lucky The weathered curve of your face, your boyish, roguish charm Lines etched on your broad forehead, your dark furrowed eyebrows Your chestnut brown hair, slightly long, with a just a hint of a curl I long to stroke your face, to savor this memory forever In my mind, in a safe place to revisit, to relive, to cherish as long as Im allowed To hold you closely, to my heart pretend I know what forever will be? You have the reigns of Thunder, your stallion, in hand We are ready to ride free, with total abandon, to escape…for awhile Along the banks of the river fair You help me mount, and soon we are off Riding alongside the stream, under parted trees...carefree, enchanting Their long twisted trunks forming a dark haven just for us to enter Forbidding, yet somehow safe, our refuge from the World, for us alone The rhythmic sound of the horses hoofs slowly clopping Surefooted through the crystal clear ripples we tread I close my eyes to hear, to smell, to taste, to drink this all in, and hope to NEVER forget! Such purity and spender for the soul, such absolute beauty! We continue our journey as we wind through a copse of trees The birds take flight as we approach, scattering as they once again perch back amid the cool recesses above Their chirping fills the air, so peaceful, so serene ! All around resides solitude, and my arms wrap around your waist possessively There’s a hush, a magical flute of peace everywhere Butterflies, the sun rays beaming down through the trees Flickering kaleidoscopes of images…of days past, of passions past Beyond explanation, emotions where words fall short My face rests against your warm back, and the musty smell of you Merges with the blinding aroma of the wildflowers Their colors, a rainbow forming an endless carpet Their pollen floating, bobbing upon the air currents Luxurious, enticing, petals dancing to the call of the tides of rebirth All things have a purpose, a claim, a rhyme, a reason for being, even me; I am sure I weep silently, such is the completeness of this ride, you grasp my hand, you understand We reach deep into the forest, where vines are entwined as far as the eye can see The lush crisp air smells of pine, and earth Leaves huge as hands welcome our entry I wonder, but my end time is near, or my new beginning as I have come to refer to it? We dismount, hand and hand, to prepare for this last goodbye, of this world, of us Thunder stomps playfully, as you lean to tie him off The word has not been spoken, but the fervor, the intensity, the demand, the urgency Pent up so deeply, so desperately, yet to be released, while Hanging like an ease-dropper in the night, IT looms Forever blinding me with its darkening pit of gloom Yet, I will keep it at bay, my providence is known, no need to dwell additionally It will be my silent trip, to accept and deal with on my own; I will succeed! No teardrops now to dampen this celebration, and I have faith, of Heaven For now we must focus on the present.. What we are, and what we have become, this life... this journey To imprint US one last time in the Book of Life Where our love has moved mountains, endured storms We became shooting stars, reaching up to last forever, and a day Then, you take me in your arms, forcing you to overpower me Now I understand You’re trying not to remember….my fate Soaking up my essence….beyond the present; to reflect on fondly, when there is emptiness, And I am G O N E...! Then our blended tears start to flow, drowning us, streaming forth, drenching us We were not going to let this happen, but it was inevitable, its part of the whole Then kisses of denial, kisses to erase, kisses to restore our shattered innocence! Memories of candy coated afternoons, of long joyful days lay drifting by So close I could reach out, and touch them Where blissful nights of sea air breezes blew curtains on the wings of seagulls that glided You look deep into my grey eyes with some unknown question Almost as if you’re asking, is it alright to tell me goodbye in such a way? I know you feel so helpless, so frustrated, and even mad At me, you breathe me in, and sigh deeply Stroking my face, memorizing me, I can feel it, you have accepted, finally Part of me is glad, but I feel so alone, never again can I run to you You were my knight, my protector, now powerless That was the question, your heart can’t hide, your actions This need to capture yet let me go at the same time, your surrender I want to do likewise in some strange way Until we are reunited, can I survive our parting? Will we reunite; will I be able to watch over you? Such a blank slate of unknowns Then we embrace, like never before, so deep is our connection You grabbing my long, blonde streaked tresses Urgent, trying to block out what is to come, whats beyond your control And for that moment I need to forget, all is in harmony Sheltering me, filling me a final time with your inner strength I need to be strong, yet it is so hard; Im terrified, Im so emotionally drained Then I lay my head on your shoulder, clinging to you so tightly I murmur My love, my dearest, my shooting star, my other half, I will always love you, trying so hard not to break down You repeat....gazing into my eyes, stroking my cheek, and out of nowhere your arms lift me off the ground...always, as you struggle to remain gentle, but I want things to be as before... Before that silent word ‘it’ separated us, dividing us As if we first gazed into each other’s eyes; amazed to see the reflection of our own souls Instant love ....unconditional love And for that afternoon, time stood still as two spirits joined A man, and a women...laughing, as they placed flowers in each others hair As a noble mount neighed in contentment while he grazed In a shelter where time stood still, and everything was safe Reaching out, we shouted our names to the Heavens, beyond eternity Contently sharing our love, along the banks of the river fair by Mary L. Palermo Copyright October 2013 Edited March 2014
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 06:00:41 +0000

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