Advanced Democracy are what they are today because of the - TopicsExpress


Advanced Democracy are what they are today because of the resilence and patriotism of the common man. The first duty of any citizen in a democracy is to ensure that bad and corrupt politicians do not win election. Even when a supossedly incorruptible politician is voted into power and found to be corrupt later on, he is either forced to resign or impeached via popular protest or voted out of office during election. Let not put our hope on any politician but ourselves to always support a good and viable govt or reject a bad and corrupt one. This is the only thing that will make our politician sit up as in the end they are also human like us with natural egoistic/selfish tendencies. In the end GMB, his party and every othrr political party will realize that thry must perform to remain in office or ask for another term in office. I admonish all my Nigerian Friends on FB to seek for change in the forth coming Election to expel PGEJ and PDP maladministration of our beloved fatherland, and to also join to reward or punish GMB and APC in 4 year time should they perform or underperfom in this 1st tenure. If you are an investor, will you allow you CEO continue to give excuses for his dismal performance or sack him and replace with a better CEO? Nigeria is our Company. We must protect it now before it is too late to do so.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 09:38:36 +0000

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