All my life pagan names for The Creator were all I ever knew. - TopicsExpress


All my life pagan names for The Creator were all I ever knew. They have flowed like water. Today a friend of mine dropped me ten gigs of beginning hebrew that im going to share as much as I can. And try to learn. Thank you :) . His Name, the Name for our Creator Is the first Hebrew Word I learned. As it had become of great importance to me . I had found out the names I had used all my life were not only false, but belonging to false gods . Even in my life of blindness to the real NAME, I could see plainly the NAME is presented by scriptures to bear much power. In fact I began looking for a name bearing much power. From being raised Chri/stian , (which we know is believing je/sus was The Creator and author of all Torah, and the new testament). I had associated the pagan titles g/od, lor/d, and jes/us,.... and h/oly spirit to bear all the power of creation, and authority of all things in the heavens and earth. In my foolishness I was honoring four pagan religions just with the above names . I also have been baptised 4× in atleast 6names. This water baptism that I participated in doesnt even exist in the SCRIPTURES of TANAK (old testament). So.... to my dismay,as you can see the pagan names have flowed like water in my life. All over me, literally , and out my mouth. . These pagan names are all most the world knows. So as I discovered the truth about the names I had been using, and the ways I had been using them.. I sought Torah, What did I find? An abundance of Scriptures representing the power, reverence, and esteem, attributed to The NAME of our creator, and many Scriptures telling us what todo with the Name and how to use it. Where I once had thought by no other name than je/sus could I be saved. I know now it is stated in TANAK that it is our One Father who alone gives us our deliverance and salvation and life. He is all. His NAME bears alot of power to me. I tell people not to use it carelessly. I am thankful much of the blasphemous things that I have heard said in my life were actually not in His real Name but in these pagan g/od/s names. I pray the blasphemous things that have been said can be blotted out because they werent committed in His real Name. In that sense it is a blessing His Name has not been carelessly misused. Not only do i care about His Real Names Misuse. I also find it of great importance every letter of TANAK should be properly translated. Improper Capitalization of a letter, much less letters, as plural, in the bib/le ruins the translations. Because of the subtle changes in ISAIAH 53 for instance, wicked people in high places are able to push the je/sus trinity agenda through in an effort to create prophecy. Also in ISAIAH 53 the word them was replaced with him. Subtle variations can create a world of difference. These slight deceptions ,as well as some flat out conjuring of messianic prophecy has put the world under much delusion. The raw truth is needed dearly. Words and their proper use , and even the proper use of every letter of TANAK are of great importance. The Hebrew Alphabet is the language of creation. Is so beautiful. I have not enough time in the world to ever learn all its complexities. No one man ever could. For this reason TANAK exist. So that His Torah could be a choice for all of us on this planet. Noone ever came knocking on the door to teach me Hebrew or much less His NAME. I guess that is not what was in His plan for us at that time. But it was in His plan to spread the Word. I have ten bibles. Almost anyone can get one. And has had one. The truth is in the lap of the world. All we need do simply is remove what contradicts with TANAK. That means throwing out the New testament as it is full of errors. And install the proper Names to the old testament that we all already have . There you will find your Deliverer there. You will find the Way of Salvation. It is all in His perfect plan so that we would have what we needed when the time came. The floodgates of knowledge of His language and ways has opened. With all due respect to our teachers up to this point in history I say: We are people all with individual identities. There are many doctrines of TANAK . I love all people. I love Yisrael. . People change with the seasons. The Torah and TANAK are forever. The seasons of time change. For all things there is an appointed a time. His NAME is not called from one end of the earth to the next, in exuberant exaltation. Like it is proclaimed it should be and will be in Torah and TANAK. The fact that I know His real NAME is a sign of the seasons we live in. Not only has His Name been removed completely in the b/ible. It is the general consensus of 99% of those that know His Name that it is not to be used or even taught to the world. Yet His Name is emerging and racing to the ends of the earth. Its is that season. May we all come into the Commands that were given to us by Moses. In front of many witnesses. TANAK confirms itself. The new testament contradicts itself and Torah. I pray calling on His Real Name helps people the world over. All those that are not experiencing the power we were taught It has, becauae we were taught fake names and dictrines of men. . May the shem of His precious NAME deliver nations of babies, and lost peoples and tribes. May all people know honor and revere His Name. As surely one day we will all bow to His NAME. People need His Name. They search and dig for it. Many never experiencing the power from the false titles, names , and religions (that are all supposedly based on TANAK/old testament ) . These people that know of a god but have not experienced the power of The One True Creator put their search for our Creator to the side. All the those that see some of the lies imposed on them by religion. Those people who see the hypocrisy in the world because of death, murder, and wars in the name of religion. All these souls of people who wont swallow the doctrines of the world give up and walk away. They give up. If they all knew the true TANAK alone and the words , Names and prayers, and exercised from it, and all it teaches, they of the world would be in His Kingdom as intended. Every letter of TANAK is true, even the punctuation is important . And especially the Name of the only deliverer, giver of all salvation,and filler of prayer. I am thankful to expand my vocabulary. I now have something I can use to replace g/od , l/ord, jes/us, ch/rist, and h/oly spirit with. I am hear to learn. Id also like to know how to say : esteem, guard , reigns, delivers, brings,and salvation in Hebrew. So I can start to form a whole Hebrew sentence. And pray , to Him in His language of creation. It is an exciting time in history that it is even possible to do this. It was told to us that His people would return to His pure language. I break up the pagan names with these bars // //. Because the TANAK teaches that I should never let a false gods name come across my lips, or out of my mouth, or proceed into, or out of my heart. But His name, It is to be proclaimed to the corners of the earth. I dont break His Name up. I wont hide it. He is One, He has a Name. It is kodesh. As He is The Kodesh One of Yisrael. There are false names and titles. Then there is a real Name , and some beautiful titles. Those that proclaim so much more love for us than I even knew was possible. He has many titles. I pray we all respect them all. Yet we are shown to call on His Name in the TANAK . This is my proclamation that I am a fool, not that I am a teacher. I am yet at the beginning of understanding Who He is. I have only recently come to realize the many falsehoods of the new testament. Until you do that you dont know the importance of TANAK. TANAK, my people have been trained means nothing. Now its everything. I shall never relinquish it. Never. Our Creators Breath is all over it. His words. The prophets prayers. All there. Revelations: Its in there. His instruction for all of our lives. In there. Halel YAHUAH! -though all the world wants to tell me I dont need to use His Name, or the TANAK for instruction. I know that I am . I believe now what I believed when I was 5 years old, He is One, and the Commands are there to be followed. There are many mighty men who were sent forth as His messengers to teach us His truth. They are documented in TANAK. IF WHAT YOU BELIEVE CANNOT ALIGN FULLY WITH TANAK it is a lie. He does not come in secret when it comes to His will. He lets His will be known. When we know His will we are charged to shout it to the ends of the earth . Not keep it a secret.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 22:54:16 +0000

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