Although I do follow and promote a plant-based vegan diet, I make - TopicsExpress


Although I do follow and promote a plant-based vegan diet, I make an exception with raw honey. Raw pure honey is an amazing superfood that we have been beyond blessed to have the sacred industrious honey-making bees share with us! Some people will argue that honey is just empty nutrition, nothing better than any other sugar, and that people with sugar sensitivities, such as candida, diabetes, etc. must avoid honey. This is so not true! Honey is quite different from other sweeteners. The Ayurvedic healers of the past understood this when they made classifications of body types (doshas) and classifications of foods that balanced or imbalanced the different body types. For some doshas honey is extremely healing and balancing, and used in moderation, raw honey is healthy for all. HISTORY ~ The earliest records of bee keeping by humans dates back to 7000 BC with cave paintings in Spain. In ancient Egypt, Greece, India and Rome, unprocessed honey was considered a sacred food and often made into cakes as a gift to the gods. These primitive civilizations also understood the natural power of honey as a healing food source. Some scientists believe we have been eating honey since the beginning of human history with fossils of honey bees dating back 150 million years ago. HEALTH ~ Living, pure, raw (unheated, unpasteurized) honey is an alkaline-forming food containing numerous amounts of enzymes, antioxidants, vitamins and other nutrients. In addition, its anti-bacterial components can be used to treat a variety of conditions, including sore throats, indigestion, infections, acne and stomach ulcers. This natural living honey contains therapeutic amounts of bee pollen. Bee pollen is a high-grade superfood for its nutritional benefits, protein, active enzymes, immune enhancing and hormone balancing properties.. Although these pollen granules are traditionally harvested separate from the actual honey, unfiltered honey does offer this health advantage with tiny flecks of pollen contributing to the honeys nutrient-rich quality. Raw honey also contains Propolis a resin substance honey bees collect for building their bee hives. They use it to seal and sterilize the hive from outside contamination. Propolis contains beneficial compounds and health supporting properties. It has been used since the time of Hippocrates to heal external wounds as well as internal conditions. It is a natural antibiotic and known antiseptic. Propolis has been proven to exhibit antioxidant effects with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory attributes. In addition, it is known to be helpful in boosting the immune system and assisting liver health. Honey also contains high levels of Amylase. Amylase is an essential enzyme that helps to break down starches into sugars and is helpful to digestion when consumed. Only raw, unheated honey contains this powerful enzyme. Honey is a great way to help heal wounds and burns. It contains many antibacterial and antiseptic components, like hydrogen peroxide, methulglyoxal and bee defensin-1. Also, the appearance of friendly bacteria, like 6 species of lactobacilli and 4 species of bifidobacteria may also be a reason for honey’s healing properties. Raw honey is used in wound gels and dressings to act as an antibacterial and antiseptic agent. Honey’s anti-inflammatory function helps to fight infections of the upper airways and reduce coughs and throat swelling. Along with healing in the mouth, throat, and chest, honey has been found to be useful for dental health! Small amounts of honey diluted in water or tea can help avoiding tooth decay due to its strong antibacterial function. This way honey kills off the bacteria on the tooth that can cause their decay. Honey has been found to be a very effective replacement for carbohydrates for athletes. It is a great energy booster prior to any exercise. During exercise, one can add some honey into the water bottle, to keep muscles well-nourished in order for them to perform on a high level. After the exercise, honey is an ideal source of carbohydrate for glycogen restoration and blood sugar control. This is just a brief overview of some of the many healing benefits of honey. As many of us know, there has been an issue lately with decreasing bee populations, and what some call colony collapse. This seems to be due to the high levels of pesticides and environmental and agricultural chemicals be used in the world. It is now our task, as humans and part of the natural world, to consciously keep bees - not only for the honey, but for their survival and our survival. We need to stop the use of pesticides, and the production of genetically modified crops - both linked to the deaths of bees. I also suggest we all take it upon ourselves to help support the planting of more organic crops, fruit trees, and flowers. When choosing honey to purchase, be sure that you are supporting local, organic, bee-loving suppliers. Avoid all large commercial operations that are not organic and sustainable. Avoid all honey that has been pasteurized, heated, or altered in some way from its pure and natural form. Cooked or pasteurized honey is not healthy for the body. In Ayurveda it is taught that heated honey causes excess mucus and toxins in the body that can clog our channels and increase our susceptibility for illnesses - where raw unheated honey has the opposite effect. One last note... Regarding Candida, Diabetes, Cancer, and sugar-sensitive individuals. Many ask- is it safe for these people to eat raw honey? For most of these people - yes. I do suggest that people healing cancer avoid honey for the first several months of their treatment to heal. If after several months their health has been improving, then 1 -2 tablespoons raw honey daily is most likely safe and even beneficial. Honey does not seem to aggravate candida, and as for diabetes - a tablespoon of honey with 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon powder 2 x daily is an excellent remedy for decreasing diabetic symptoms, reducing inflammation, and healing the body. Personally, I do not tolerate most sweeteners, yet I can enjoy plenty of raw honey on a daily basis with no negative effects. Blessings to your health! Blessings to the bees and the delightful liquid gold they share with us!
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 13:00:19 +0000

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