Anon: I am in NZ! I have a 5.7 year old boy. Since he started - TopicsExpress


Anon: I am in NZ! I have a 5.7 year old boy. Since he started school I have been meeting with his teacher weekly just after class, talking with her about his progress. In the beginning he was what she called "behind" compared to the other children. His school is private and the majority are pretty well off/comfortable families. Most of the children went into the school on day one with more knowledge than my son for ex they knew how to count to at least 10, they knew how to read some words or recognised most letters, they could even add and maybe subtract. My son however went to a preschool that believed in following childrens interests and using the environment as a third teacher and unless they saw a child having an interest in reading/writing/maths they didnt introduce it as a sperate or complusory subject during time at preschool. so my I followed how they were teaching and I let my child be. It seems now with the national standard here in NZ I did the wrong thing because my son has been very behind in reading and maths and writing compared to the other children. He is picking up at his own pace but I cant help but be stressed out and worried about this every single day. I kiss him good bye and tell him how much I love him but as I drive off and for the rest of the day I worry he is struggling to compete even though I dont want him to compete. Hi teacher has told me last week she is applying for a RTLB, because he struggles to concentrate in the class room environment, when she does one on one he is fine but she has been told by other staff that my son might now be relying on her too much to do work by himself so she wants him to participate more with other children when working in class. I just dont know what to do. Im reading with him and to him every night, he loves books and reading and writing and drawing very detailed pictures and telling stories about them but not in the way national standards need him to be!Help!
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 09:43:13 +0000

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