Another long ramble : adventures had and lessons learned and still - TopicsExpress


Another long ramble : adventures had and lessons learned and still more road ahead. Its been a long couple of days... After the sleep deprivation and jet lag began to pass and my humanity started to return, the world began to look a bit more clear again. A band of iron still sat around my skull for days and sometimes it felt like I was dreaming while awake and awake while dreaming. But interesting things and adventures still follow me about. From ghostly visitors in the night to seeing old friends. From nostalgic haunts of the past to new adventures and experiences. Its always interesting. Once again I found myself at the lands edge looking out at the vastness of the sea, just a different one from the week before. On an old boardwalk that I remember from long ago adventures, looking at what has changed and what still stands. The winds whipping about and threatening to send me aloft if I leapt just right. Then racing the clock and teaching the GPS that with the right music in my ears, I can fold space and time just a wee bit. An amazing musical show by a visual band that I had really only listened to in the past. Good times and shared drinks with a number of old friends over the course of many days. I do wish our time together was not so limited my friends. Glad for what we could share together. Thanks for the much needed smiles. Thanks to the guardians who watch while we drive along these roads both dark and sunlit. There have been a number of interesting close calls and coincidences that would have drastically changed this adventure. And thanks to the nicest road patrol officer I have ever met. I never got your name, but your kindness really made a huge impact on this trip. Then there are tales or rather tails of mermaids and warnings of doom, as the lightning flashes and the thick clouds roll. I do love the feel on the coming storm. Then a final night over looking the vastness. This from a pier kept open just for me. Rumbles of the storm from across the gulf as the rains begin to soak my shoulders. Surrounded on all sides by the water and the waves I say goodbye to the sea for a time. Soon itll be the big lake that I sit by to clear my head. Just like the old days. And the Floridian adventure ends on this night where, rain soaked and in need of a tasty beverage, I get to listen to a couple of wonderful musicians and just relax for a bit. Its been a hectic and crazed two weeks and now its time to begin the long and weathered road home. Lots to do there. No sense avoiding the responsibilities ahead. Ive got months of catching up to do and many things to mend. New adventures to embark on and new roads to explore. Its always the toughest part of coming home, that no matter how connected we are or how much information we learn it still often feels as if time has barely moved. Like coming back after so many months away just unpauses the world left behind. The house is the same and for a brief moment it seems as though nothing has happened. Then over the next days reality starts to exert itself and all the little changes and the big changes of the last months become real. And you are dealing with them fresh regardless of the time actually passed. This déjà vu of pain that comes of learning of something painful (like the death of a friend, etc ) while far away and then seeing it first hand on a return, is hard to explain. And I wish it worked the same for joyous things, but it often seems like good times missed are gone while the bad just keeps on kicking. So as we head north into the chill of the approaching winter I look at all the things that await me ahead. Some things I cant wait for and others I dread. But thats the road. We walk it til its done. Just enjoy the adventures along the way, persevere though the hard parts, and hopefully youll share the best and the worst with the company of friends.
Posted on: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 12:48:14 +0000

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