As I sit looking down onto the brightly lit stage in THE - TopicsExpress


As I sit looking down onto the brightly lit stage in THE University Of Johannesburg auditorium. I am struck by the wonderful color of world flags in a semi circle behind the dean and head of faculty. The brightly colored South African flag to the left and The UJ familiar logo of my favorite bird the African Hoopoe to the right. All the heads dressed in their pomp and splendor, colors draped over batman capes. And flanked by two lecturns. Between me and the stage are people all dressed to the hilt in wonderful attire of modern smart, conservative smart, traditional dress smart, head dresses of leopard skin, andy cap hats, formal trilbies, ladies hats and feathers. A beautiful tapestry of colors and people in one place. A rain bow society and Ubuntu in one place. And hugely respectfully dressed for THIS occasion. An expectant hush hangs over the venue as the quartet of two male and two female singers fill the air with melodic interpretations. One male singer is a dwarf, with the most amazing tenor/bass voice. Like an ode to the medi evil gatherings of past. Each one of our dear off spring, step respectfully to the stage to be capped. Three years of bare feet and takkies now squashed into laaaarnie shoes, glittering high heals.And prom attire. The Graduation Ceremony for young Simon and Chiara , our bestus house guests, as they pass through home occasionally in their exciting life and future studies of politics and philosophy. Journalists!!!! Well done Simon and well done young Chiara. You sommer bring a tear to the old tops eye. How blessed we are. And the clapping and trilling, utilating, and bellowing, hoo hooing. What a wonderful melodic sound to the ear as we all celebrate the graduation of our wonderful children Black, white, indian, colourd, Chinese. Only in Africa and only in UJ South Africa we celebrate the Viva, Viva of new graduates from a university now ranked in the the top 4% of Vaaaaarsities, Unies (for my brit mates) in the world for 2013. What a wonderful experience in a wonderfull world of 99.99% of uplifting and beauty and goodness. To be buggered up by the 0.01% of bad stuff. Viva the good life Viva!!!! And then we sang the anthem, and sommer can tel yee my borse kas just burst even bigger than ever as I sang louder and more beautiful than the dwarf tenor/bass.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 13:10:29 +0000

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