As a voter I, hopefully, can distinguish between candidates that - TopicsExpress


As a voter I, hopefully, can distinguish between candidates that support the issues I support and those who dont, no matter how much money is given to any candidate. What money skews is the source and type of information easily available, and the access to alternative information so that intelligent, informed decisions can be made. Those candidates supported by large donors and the policies they advocate are much more in the publics face than candidates not beholden to moneyed interests and that advocate a more nuanced approach to complex issues that address a complex of interests. Voters beyond the advertisement and the headline. These super-donors — those who are now freed to open their wallets even more to as many candidates, party committees and political action committees they deem worthy — include conservative billionaires David and Charles Koch, director Steven Spielberg and banking titan Charles Schwab. Only a quarter of these donors were women, according to the analysis. Almost half of them lived in the richest one percent of neighborhoods, as calculated by per capita income. Fewer than one-in-50 lived in a majority African-American or Hispanic neighborhood, as compared to one-in-six of the general population. And 28 percent of them worked for Wall Street or had roots in the financial sector. “It skews the entire system to the top, to those who have money, and it puts the decision-making further into the hands of those that are already doing quite well,” said David Donnelly, executive director of the Public Campaign Action Fund. “What they’re generally not interested in is the minimum wage or support for people who have low or little income.”“It skews the entire system to the top, to those who have money, and it puts the decision-making further into the hands of those that are already doing quite well,” said David Donnelly, executive director of the Public Campaign Action Fund. “What they’re generally not interested in is the minimum wage or support for people who have low or little income.”
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 06:07:25 +0000

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