Assuming that the new jungle changes will be coming with this - TopicsExpress


Assuming that the new jungle changes will be coming with this patch as stated on, I honestly have to say that Rangers Trailblazer with Devourer seems to be easily the best combination of item/enchantment for a general usage. Trailblazer is easily the best item for general purposes, with Poachers Knife coming in second for people who are playing counterjungle champs like Shaco. I honestly feel as though the other two will be countered hardcore by any vision in the enemy jungle, as Skirmishers is pretty useless if the enemy jungle has smited the wolf for some reason, or has any defensive wards. 45 Second smite is really great considering the only other one that hits near that small of time is Poachers, if you can actually get through wards and dont get collapsed on. That Movement speed buff wont mean much if youre locked in CC. IMO the Devourer enchantment for AD based jungles is SO much better than the warrior enchantment, especially for jungles that focus more on AAs. The onhit is already as much as the extra AD from Warrior. You get 50% attack speed which means your sustained damage is much higher. Even higher than the DPS youd get from just the AD. Not to mention it scales the longer the game is. Magus and Juggernaut are clearly very specific items, since there arent too terribly many AP junglers, other than Fiddlesticks and the occasional Karthus. Juggernaut is just a generic tank item. Nothing too special, I feel like. Warrior gives CDR, but generally unless you build full AD, youll hit damn near the CDR cap even with Devourer. Of course the Warrior enchantment will be better on champions that focus more on abilities than AAs, like Khazix, Jarvan, Lee Sin (Although I feel Lee could go either way, as there was a time that Wriggles Lee was viable). My personal opinion is champions that are AA reliant and have CC like Xin, Udyr, etc will dominate the jungle early. But competitive play will be different, as always. Regarding what you should smite, Im not really sure what the Raptors give you. Golems and Toad are seemingly the only things worth smiting. Wolves are useful if you notice the enemy jungle going Poachers or Skirmishers, or if theyre playing something like Shaco, who will most likely invade. Im pretty certain most champs will have to clear the first half, back, get upgraded jungle item, and then finish second half. Thoughts?
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 09:18:26 +0000

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