August 1, 2014 - February 28, 2015 October 22, 2014 The - TopicsExpress


August 1, 2014 - February 28, 2015 October 22, 2014 The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not lack. Psalm 23:1 But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33 No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and this is their vindication from me, declares the LORD. Isaiah 54:17 Surely then you will find delight in the Almighty and will lift up your face to God. Job 22:26 May my meditation be pleasing to Him, as I rejoice in the LORD. Psalm 104:34 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Psalm 4:4 Rejoice always. 1 Thessalonians 5:16 October 22, 2014 - May my meditation be pleasing to Him, as I rejoice in the LORD. REJOICE IN THE LORD. Today rejoice in the Lord. Today remember that the Resurrection is not just a onetime event; but it is a daily phenomenon. Each and every day we are being called closer and closer to destiny. Each step we take on our life journey brings us to who we were always meant to be. The victory of Jesus conquering death and breaking free from the grave is the open door to a limitless life to all of us who believe. Every time we open our eyes and look up it t is an open invitation to go higher. So today - this moment - right now rejoice in the Lord. May you know that today is really just the beginning. Nothing can keep you down. You have the power to get up on each and every day of your life. For you are a child of God, and like the wings of an eagle… you will rise. May you know that you are a child of the Resurrection, and as the Son shines on your life, may you look up, get up, and stand up. No matter what the obstacle may be in front of you, decide that you will continue to rise. Psalm 3:3 tells us - “But You Lord, are a shield around me, my glory; the One who lifts my head high.” May my meditation be pleasing to Him, as I rejoice in the LORD. REJOICE IN THE LORD. John 11:40 tells us - Then Jesus said, didn’t I tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God. So rejoice in the Lord. Not only do you have greatness within you; but I want you to understand that there really is a great plan. I know that may seem hard to believe, especially when life seems a bit messy. When everything is in disarray and clearly out of order (at least for us), we tend to think “God has left the building” or that some how we must have missed him. But let me remind you that God specializes in creating order out of disorder. God knows how to call light out of darkness. He knows how to make something out of nothing. When the Earth was void of life, empty, and without form, God began to create something uniquely beautiful. From the looks of things there was clearly nothing to hope for; but sometimes what looks like the end is only just the beginning. And I believe that is the case for you. Times are tough, and I know that its hard to have faith when there is nothing happening to give us a reason. But isn’t that what faith is anyway? “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” So while there may not be any evidence of change for your specific situation, there is always evidence of a Creative God. Each day we open our eyes and see the beauty of the sunshine, we have our proof that God is still at work. Just by the mere fact that we can sit down some where and read these words, is evidence that the love of God is still flowing. New creation is happening all around us; it is happening right now. And while you may not see it, the one who is shaping and crafting your life is still at work. You are not forgotten and God is fully aware of all that appears chaotic. What looks like a mess is just the scenario God needs to create a custom made miracle just for you. So against all hope, I want to invite you to believe. And even more than that, open your heart to receive. It really is coming. I don’t know when and I don’t know how, but a miracle is in the making. And there really is a great plan. Be still my soul and watch it come together. Psalm 27:13-14 tells us - I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. May my meditation be pleasing to Him, as I rejoice in the LORD. REJOICE IN THE LORD. I am so excited about the possibilities of this day; not because of anything on my schedule; but simply because of the promises of God. Philippians 1:6 tells us - Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you shall carry it on until completion, until the day of Jesus Christ. Everybody has the power to have a beautiful life. I say that because beauty is an inside job. Before something beautiful can show up outside; something must first be planted on the inside. All of us have heard that, “we reap what we sow”; and if that is the case, then the question becomes, what are we sowing. Your life is like a garden; and God has given all of us the responsibility to care for it. It is totally up to us to pay attention to the soil, what is planted, and what is produced as a harvest. And so if you don’t like what is being produced in your life, I invite you to take a look at what has been planted. Remember as a person of purpose, I wonder if you know how powerful you are. Just by your presence you have the power to change the atmosphere in your current environment. You are light in the midst of darkness; and even if your light is small flame, you still make all the difference in the world in a dark room. Too often, we totally under-estimate the power God has placed on the inside of us. We interpret difficulties and challenges as personal attacks on us as people, when really it is nothing more than darkness attempting to attack your light. So when we shrink back or dumb ourselves down to appease others who talk about us in negative ways, we allow darkness to expand itself in the world. Isaiah 60:1 tells us - “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises on you.” May my meditation be pleasing to Him, as I rejoice in the LORD. REJOICE IN THE LORD.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 10:47:07 +0000

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