Based on Bashars philosophy, this is what I believe is the - TopicsExpress


Based on Bashars philosophy, this is what I believe is the software program that is running on a continual loop to create your reality experience. Its ridiculously simple. It can basically be reduced to just 6 lines of Basic code. But first, here is the in-depth higher-level explanation in English: Step 1: Beliefs create the circumstances in your life. These circumstances are called “reality”. Most of these beliefs exist in the unconscious mind at a high frequency. You need to really meditate or get high up to access them. Step 2: Reality then causes you to react with feelings in a certain way. These are called emotions. The way you automatically feel about something is a subconscious reaction to reality, which is determined solely by your beliefs. Once activated, your subconscious mind loops these emotions (like songs playing in your head). If they are not continually re-activated, the emotions die down with time. Dreaming at night causes this deactivation to occur faster than normal, and this is why depressed people feel the need to sleep so much. Step 3: These emotions then automatically create your reactive thoughts based on your beliefs. If you are feeling negative emotions, they will create negative and pessimistic thoughts, close mindedness, etc. If you are having positive emotions, they will create positive and expansive thoughts. You will be optimistic, open-minded, and ideas with actually come to you far more easily. You will be able to see positive solutions to issues that you could not see before when you were in a negative state. In a negative emotional state, you can only see negative problems and you cannot see solutions. In a positive emotional state, you can only see positive solutions and you do not see anything as a problem. Everything is an exciting challenge and the solutions are easy and exciting to obtain. Step 4: These thoughts then automatically create your intentions, based on your beliefs. Step 5: These intentions automatically create your spoken words, based on your beliefs. Even the lightest intention generally causes you to at least blurt of a word. This is why people cant seem to control swearing, and why their words are harder to control than physical actions. Step 6: If these intentions also strong enough, then they automatically create actions, based on your beliefs. Actions are easiest to consciously control. Words are harder to consciously control. Thoughts are even harder to consciously control. Emotions are even harder to consciously control. And beliefs are the hardest of all to consciously control. The more conscious you are, the more easily you will be able to control the higher ones. You have the highest level of awareness and conscious control at the lowest frequency component (actions) and you have the least awareness and conscious control at the highest frequency component (beliefs). Step 7: We are now at the end of the cycle at the final step. In this step, all the actions, words, thoughts, and feelings that you just had are what create your new beliefs. These are now your brand-new beliefs that will operate in step 1. In creating your new beliefs, actions are by far the strongest, then words, then thoughts, and then feelings. If this program is operating on automatic, then nothing will ever really change about your reality. You will simply have reactive (subconscious) emotions, reactive thoughts, and reactive actions (reactions). You will be stuck living unconsciously. Your beliefs will simply continually reinforce themselves endlessly. The key to changing your reality is therefore to begin to consciously control your actions, words, thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. By doing this, then you can consciously choose your new beliefs in Step 5. The more conscious you are, the more you will be able to consciously control your beliefs, and, therefore, your reality experience. And once you change your beliefs, then you change how you automatically feel about circumstances, how you automatically think about circumstances, and how you automatically react to circumstances. Written as a simple basic computer program, it might look like the “Basic” code below. It’s only an analogy to help you understand. When your reality is created, there time lag built into it. There is no time lag for your inner world (beliefs, emotions, thoughts, intentions, and actions). The time lag in the outer reality is like looking into a mirror and seeing the reflection as it existed 10 minutes ago. Because of the time lag, you might not notice that it’s a reflection of you. Because of the time lag in the outer reality, you do not generally realize that it is a perfect reflection of your actions, words, thoughts, and emotions. As your vibrational frequency rises, the time lag reduces. As this happens, your synchronicity rises. When the time lag reduces to zero, you can manifest instantly. ----------------------------------- do beliefs = (actions*1000) + (intentions*100) + (thoughts * 10) + (feelings*1) reality = beliefs * space * (time – timeLag / VibrationalFrequency) emotions = manifestations * beliefs thoughts = emotions * beliefs intentions = thoughts * beliefs actions = intentions * beliefs loop -------------------------------------- As you can see from this program, if you consciously control your emotions (state of being), then you will automatically control your thoughts, intentions, and actions accordingly. Positive emotions = positive thoughts, intentions, and actions. Negative emotions = negative thoughts, negative intentions, and negative actions. Then your actions, intentions, thoughts, and feelings create your new beliefs. But since your reactive actions, intentions, and thoughts are all the result of your emotions, all you “really” have to do is consciously control your emotional state of being. This is also why Abraham Hicks focuses on the importance of emotions. However, in order to really ground manifestations to Earth, they must be grounded in thought, word, and deed. They must be grounded in physical action. And the best way to get yourself to do something is to get yourself to FEEL like doing it… because emotion is what ultimately creates your actions. Every single thing you do is ultimately motivated by emotion. You cannot have a thought unless you FIRST feel a certain way about something. It is always motivated from emotion. And your emotions are generated from your beliefs. But beliefs are beyond your conscious control because most of them are unconscious beliefs. It is like your heart beat. You cannot control it consciously. You must first identify that you have a particular belief, and only then you can consciously change it. You have to sort of infer the existence of a belief by looking at your reality, monitoring your emotions, thoughts, and actions, and then asking yourself what beliefs must be creating them. Emotions are subconscious and so you DO have control over them if you wish, but they are also automatic. It’s like breathing, which is a subconscious action that you can control if you really want to. The reason most people don’t consciously control their emotions all day is the same reason they don’t consciously control their breathing. It takes active effort. You have to actively be conscious about doing it. But with practice, it becomes easier. If you consciously practice deeper slower breathing, then you will find that within a matter of days you will be doing it automatically more and more. The same is true with your emotions. If you hold purposely and consciously hold positive emotions, then it will become easier and easier to sustain automatically because your beliefs and reality experience will change in such a way that you will automatically sustain those positive emotions more and more. This is also why meditation and practicing conscious breathing will help you practice conscious emotional control. What you are doing in all of these cases is raising your level of conscious awareness UP into your “sub” conscious so that you are now consciously aware of it. You’ll breathe more consciously now, you’ll have conscious control of your emotions, your remember your dreams more, your be more lucid in your dreams… these are all the signs that your consciousness is raising in frequency so that your awareness “bubble” is expanding so that it now includes your “sub” conscious. One day your “sub” conscious will just be part of your conscious mind. And eventually, your “un” conscious will be as well. You are one consciousness, but you created three levels and reduced your full conscious awareness to just the lowest level so that you could more easily impose limitations upon yourself. Now you are expanding back into your more normal state.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 04:39:13 +0000

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