Because I had zero pain when I birthed our first child, Laura - TopicsExpress


Because I had zero pain when I birthed our first child, Laura Walker Rhyne I had assumed that birthing our 2nd child, Kyle, would also be painless. I was totally wrong! As Philip Merten was reading to me and telling jokes, I was laughing and enjoying the time waiting for our son to enter the world. ALL OF A SUDDEN A KNIFE PIERCED MY GUT. What the hell was that ! I became totally alert. No more laughing. No more fun. Its on. The intrusion of pain really pissed me off! That seriously painful contraction was the only one I had. The births themselves were not painful; labor was quick. Thus, I have about zero credibility on the subject of the pain of childbirth. (But give me some credit in that I was nauseated every single day for the entire 9 months I carried our Laura around.) My point: Phil and I and other couples we know who want to truly connect and empathize with our spouses in as many ways as possible, have thought that perhaps the pain of childbirth and being kicked in the balls may have similarities. Last evening as I was preparing for a mini-seminar that Phil and I will present on Sunday to teenagers and their parents regarding margeewannas impact on the brain, I came across a site that contains tons of short video clips explaining scientific stuff. One was: Are silent farts worse? And the one Im posting here. (I did find the one I was looking for.) This is a very short clip. And fun. Even though it IS scientific.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 13:09:41 +0000

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