Bible rant. Just ignore me. We are supposed to forgive 70 times - TopicsExpress


Bible rant. Just ignore me. We are supposed to forgive 70 times seven - unless its Ananias and Sapphira. In that case those two dont even get one forgiving act. Blast those suckers. ( Wait, really??) The thief (the enemy) comes to kill, steal, and destroy - unless its Ananias and Sapphira. God killed those two. (....??) The Good Shepherd leaves the healthy sheep and goes to find the lost ones - unless its Ananias and Sapphira, in which case the shepherd culls them by killing them. (...?) Perfect love casts out fear, unless something happens like what Ananias and Sapphira did and then death happens and fear falls on everyone. (...?) We are supposed to speak privately if we have something against someone, then if that doesnt work, go with one or two others and if that doesnt work, maybe go to the assembly - unless it is Ananias and Sapphira, and then instant public is appropriate. (...?) If someone steals, theyre simply told, steal no more. If Ananias and Sapphira steal what is actually theirs anyway, torch those scumbags. (...?) Obviously, I could go on and on. I have heard grace teachers tackle this one, but am still uncertain. It doesnt look like these two died spontaneously because they felt bad. It looks like they were taken out. And I realize that what Ananias and Sapphira did was really, really slimy. They didnt just lie, they colluded and lied... it was premeditated scumbagness. Still. Even an earthly judge would not sentence them to death for what they did. Well heres what I think: Peter handled the situation badly causing death and fear. The Bible consistently values death and fear as negative. If Paul had been there instead of Peter, I think things would have gone differently. (Of course at this time, Paul was still Saul, and would have had them all stoned because thats what HE was doing to Christians then as a rabid Pharisee). If this story happened as translated, I think God had nothing to do with it. Unfortunately, great men of God do stupid things. Even when we are filled to the brim with God we still have our stupid selves to deal with. It is common knowledge that words can kill, though it usually happens over a period of time. If Peter was such a foundational person to Christianity, maybe thats one reason why Christendom has such a gigantic planet-wide stain of blood on it. And we do. And that has nothing to do with God, and everything to do with our stupid selves.
Posted on: Sat, 17 May 2014 17:31:27 +0000

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