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Bonjour! J’espère que vous étés très en forme!!! So..... Not only this last week, these last two weeks we have seen tons of miracles more than we expected to see. First of all, the Lord has surprisingly sent me and Elder Teh one of my best friends, the Family Whitmer, to help us enhance the Chinese work in Paris. To tell you the truth, Brother and Sister Whitmer came last year to Paris since he served his full-time mission in Taiwan, Kaohsiung, he helped us a lot during the Chinese Sunday schools with his mighty testimonies in Chinese, so we became best friends since, and he came back this time because his wife wanted to visit Paris again for two weeks and they just came! First when I heard that they were coming to Paris because of that reason I felt warmth in my heart that he is such a good husband! Nevertheless it was supposed to be a trip for both of them, Brother Whitmer was so available to help us teach and testify of the divinity of this sacred work and the restored gospel. With Brother and Sister Whitmer, we were able to see a lot of beautiful and miraculous things. I want to testify the power of the testimonies of you, a member of the restored Church, can do to others in working with the missionaries. The first day with Brother and Sister Whitmer, recently one of our progressing investigators named ZhiWei faced one of the most important decisions to make; that is to be married. The strong, loving, sealed relationship of marriage between Brother and Sister Whitmer powerfully testified to our investigator about the sacredness of the marriage and the complete possibility of eternal marriage at temple and she now slowly started developing a standard of being married at the temple because of the example of the Whitmers. The Spirit was so strong at the time and the Spirit truly comes more persuasively only through the pure conduct (the faithful members) and we were able to fix a baptismal date with her so that she can be ready to be married at temple. Another one was with our recent convert HengTian and Brother Whitmer was there with us and Brother Whitmer testified of the first law in the heaven. HengTian is a great and we all love him so much and we wanted him to become one of the Chinese priesthood leaders in the Church to lead more people to come unto Christ if he will obey the law of obedience. The Spirit was so strong that HengTian committed that no matter how hard his schedule will be he will come to church to at least partake the Sacrament each Sunday. And he did come to the church for last two Sundays. There are many of them but this will be the last miracle to share with you from this experiences. This man named Brother DeNan who was taught by Chinese elders about three years ago and came back one day and wanted to see us again. We invited also Brother Whitmer to attend that day with us if his wife allows or not. Luckily, though it seemed almost impossible for Brother Whitmer to come and help us since he had been helping us so much, he came and join the discussion of DeNan. Brother DeNan is a good man and he wanted to find the place that he belongs to so he came back and we taught him about the promises and blessings that the authorized baptism can bring and with the personal testimony of Brother Whitmer in Chinese, DeNan accepted to prepare himself to be baptized on the 28th of September. I want to testify that we will never know where and when the Lord will use us to build or hasten His kingdom of the salvation of each person, so we need to be prepared and especially Brother Whitmer’s example taught and touched me so much. He served his mission about 34 years ago and he still speaks his Chinese like a Chinese because he never led the missionary Spirit go away and he practiced his Chinese regularly and continued to be willing to share the gospel with others. God was very merciful with us and he sent angels to rescue the souls of his children in Paris. We can testify of it. You could be one of the angels for others if you would learn to follow the Spirits promptings. God lives and Jesus is our Savior and our Redeemer who loves us also, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. Passez une très bonne semaine! Elder Tai Pics: 1. Our last dinner with the Whitmers 2. Sister Ou is back from Shanghai!! 3. With Elder Hall (the younger brother of the Elder Hall who served in Tokyo mission), Sister Bitter and a Chinese member up in Rennes! 4. Sister Nilsson is back !!! 5. Super merciful package from my mission mom from Japan!!! XD Thank you so much !!!!!! I love them so much!
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 10:42:53 +0000

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