Christians have a HIDDEN ADDICTION. There is an excellent book - TopicsExpress


Christians have a HIDDEN ADDICTION. There is an excellent book out that reveals a hidden addiction with which all Christians struggle—eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. “But I thought that was Adam’s problem,” you say. Well, think of the Tree as that which brought Adam his ability to judge. Before disobeying God, Adam knew what was right and what was wrong, but he had not yet experienced the condemnation of one’s own conscience from choosing wrong over right. And, ironically, this new experience manifested a new, stimulating “high” within Adam—the power of being judge (“being as God”). And ever since, man continues to struggle with this “original sin.” Even Christians will find themselves partaking in the forbidden fruit. We gain a sense of worth when we judge one another, from things like, “He’s STILL struggling with THAT sin?…tsk, tsk.” to the simpler, yet still judgmental, “Why would she wear that if she’s a Christian?!” and “Isn’t that car a little too expensive if you call yourself a Christian?” But God in Christ came to set us free from all sin and that means from the “original sin,” too, the sin of judgment. How are we set free? How can we still receive that same sense of worth, that “high,” we get from being in the powerful position of judge? By eating from the sweet fruit of the Tree of Life and trusting that it will be enough to nourish and sustain us. We don’t need to get our worth from anyone (i.e. even ourselves) or anything (i.e. being able to judge) but God, for He has ascribed to each and every human being unsurpassable worth through His unsurpassable sacrifice. So, go ahead and feast on Him; and with no room left for judgment in our full stomachs, the only thing pouring out of our hearts and mouths toward one another will be God’s love.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 05:12:03 +0000

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