Congressman Goodlatte Time For Solutions The discussion in - TopicsExpress


Congressman Goodlatte Time For Solutions The discussion in Congress has once again turned to the debt limit. Continuing down the same path of runaway spending and borrowing that put us in this situation is simply unsustainable. Something must change, and this is a conversation we must have now. I urge President Obama to continue this dialogue with Congress on the debt limit and deficit reduction. We must take real steps to find a fiscally responsible and sustainable solution for the American people. A legacy of debt is not what we want to leave for the next generation. My weekly column talks more about the importance of starting a dialogue on entitlement reform and debt. Read the full column here. Cosponsoring the Protecting States, Opening National Parks Act Our National Parks play an important role in the economy of many communities in Virginias Sixth District. They provide numerous jobs and help to generate income for many small businesses, especially during peak fall foliage season. Previously, I voted in support of critical legislation that would provide funding to reopen the National Park system. However, the Senate has failed to act on this bill and left the gates of our National Parks closed. On Saturday, I signed on as a cosponsor of the Protecting States, Opening National Parks Act (H.R. 3286). While the Obama Administration has finally agreed that individual states may reopen National Parks, the burden would be placed on the states to pay for any expenses incurred. This bipartisan legislation would ensure that states are reimbursed within 90 days for all state funds spent to pay for National Park operations. I have also been working with Governor Bob McDonnell, Secretary of Natural Resources Doug Domenech, and other state and local leaders on a plan to reopen the National Parks in Virginia. House Continues Efforts to Fund Critical Government Operations The House of Representatives continued working last week to pass legislation funding critical parts of the federal government, including the Honoring Families of Fallen Soldiers Act, which ensures that death benefits to families of fallen troops will continue to be disbursed during the partial government shutdown. I am pleased to report that the Senate also passed this bill and it was signed into law by the President. However, there are still many bills sitting on the Senates doorstep. For more information on the bills passed by the House, you can follow along here. People Places Named Angel in Adoption Last week, I had the opportunity to honor People Places as the Sixth District of Virginia’s 2013 “Angel in Adoption.” The Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute’s Angels in Adoption Program is designed to celebrate individuals, couples, or organizations from across the nation that have made an extraordinary contribution on behalf of children in need of homes. People Places has made a tremendous impact in the lives of children and families throughout the region. The principle starts with their name – the goal of this organization is to provide healing for troubled children in people places or families, instead of facilities. They are truly putting the well-being of the children they serve first and working diligently to provide the necessary support and care. What started as a vision has transformed over the years into a reality that is today serving more than 100 children. It is my honor to recognize People Places as this year’s Angel in Adoption. I congratulate People Places on 40 years of service and thank them, and the families they work with, for their dedication to making better lives for children in our community.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 01:09:01 +0000

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