CrossFit Camp Phoenix is proud to release its WODs for the - TopicsExpress


CrossFit Camp Phoenix is proud to release its WODs for the CrossFit Camp Phoenix Games on 23 Aug. Stay tuned for registration details and movement standards. WOD1 - Strength Teams have a total of 20 minutes to establish a 1RM snatch for each person. Starting weight is up to the competitor. Once a weight is loaded on the bar, it cannot be taken off for either athlete. For example, if an athlete chooses to go for a #185 snatch but fails, he cannot drop down to #155. He must continue at #185. If he does not successfully complete a lift, the athlete receives no points for the event. Additionally, his partner must also begin with a lift of at least #185. Lifts can only be made “on the 5’s” and only in increments of 10 lbs, i.e. 135, 145, 155, 165, 175, 185 and so on. An athlete and his team-mate are responsible for adding their own weights. No other assistance may be provided from judges, spectators or other competitors. Heaviest weights snatched for each team member will be combined for a total number of points. For example, if teammate snatches 155 and teammate B snatches 135 then their total score will be 290. Teams will be ranked on their total number of points. WOD 2 – Chipper for time – work must be evenly distributed: 10 Overhead squats (135/95/65) 20 Box jump overs (30/24/20) 30 KB Swings (American) (53/44/35) 40 Hang cleans (135/95/65) 50 Wall Balls (#20-10’/#20-10’/#16-8’) 40 Pistols (Air Squats x 2, team must declare beforehand either pistols or squats) 30 Hand Release Push ups 20 GHD Sit-ups 10 Burpee muscle-ups (10 Burpee C2B / 10 Burpee Pull-ups) *Time Cap TBD WOD - 3 Metcon – work can be divided as desired 5 minutes to complete 2 Rds (If complete in 5 min, add another 5 min to complete 2 more rounds, and so on until 2 rounds cannot be completed). Highest number of completed rounds + additional reps will determine final placing. Male Rx 20 Shoulder to Overhead (135) 500M Row 20 C2B Pull-ups Male Scaled: 20 Shoulder to Overhead (115) 500M Row 20 Pull-ups Women’s Division: 20 Shoulder to Overhead (95) 500M Row 20 Pull-ups
Posted on: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 10:04:24 +0000

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