Day 24: Im leaving today with a heavy heart for Toronto and New - TopicsExpress


Day 24: Im leaving today with a heavy heart for Toronto and New York. Ill be away for 3 weeks and who knows what Hong Kong will look like in 3 weeks. Its a political eternity. Ill be closely monitoring the situation half the world away and my heart will always be in Admiralty. I did my last lunch box run yesterday and said teary goodbyes to the students and volunteers last night. Part of me wanted the protests to go on forever, but part of me didnt want to see my friends still on the streets when I come back. They have already done so much and its not fair for them to bear the brunt of our fight. Minutes before I board my flight, I want to give special thanks to the wonderful staff at Maxims City Hall who tirelessly prepared lunch boxes for us everyday, my coworkers and friends who donated generously and wanted nothing in return, and most of all, the peaceful protestors who have given the city 24 magical days and probably quite a few more to come. And now, a few updates: 1. CY said this morning that Hong Kongers are lucky that Beijing hasnt squashed the protestors. He also said, and I paraphrased, that those who make less than $18,000 are too poor for democracy (nytimes/2014/10/21/world/asia/leung-chun-ying-hong-kong-china-protests.html?ref=world&_r=1). The scary thing is that he doesnt think he has said anything wrong. 2. Student leaders will be meeting with government delegates for a televised talk in two hours (at 6:00pm). No one expects a breakthrough, but its good to have an opportunity to hear more gaffes and Freudian slips from inept politicians. 3. Last night, the High Court issued injunctions against protestors on certain streets in Mongkok and Admiralty. The injunctions mean that, in addition to violating the law, protestors run the risk of breaching a court order and being held in contempt of court, which can mean additional fines and jail time. None of that has deterred protestors from remaining on the streets, and some of them are appealing the injunctions. Share, retweet, tell you friends #OccupyCentral #UmbrellaRevolution #HongKong
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 08:11:06 +0000

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