Dear Blessed One, The mercies of The Lord is renewed every - TopicsExpress


Dear Blessed One, The mercies of The Lord is renewed every morning upon the righteous. It is by Grace that you woke up this very day because he has not finish with you at all. His Kindness and love over you is fresh every day that why he daily loads you with all kinds of benefits so that you can serve him with the right mind. Jesus loved you so much he sacrificed all for you to enjoy eternal life. Our duty as christians is to love him with all our heart in appreciation for his love towards us. We must remember that we are in the last days and following him till the end with a true heart of service is what will make a way for our final destination in his Presence. Service in is his Kingdom is the true sign of loyalty to God and his People. “And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed”.Mark 1:35. Precious Child of God, One of the tragedies of today is the fast food, fast Christianity syndrome. This generation wants everything now, not tomorrow. Everything is microwaved – microwave food, microwave Christianity. But that is not God’s plan. God did not expect us to replace a deep relationship with Him with any other activity. Beloved, Jesus, our role model, came to show us the perfect way to live and enjoy life. Life is nothing if it does not fulfil purpose. Life is meaningless if you do not leave your footprints on the sands of time. However, you cannot fulfil purpose if you are not going to spend quality time with God. Today, we have two extremes of people – the first group want the word without the Spirit of God. They study but do not spend quality time in prayer. They are filled with head-knowledge and want to deliver power; but rather than deliver power, they dry up. Then there is the other extreme that want all of the Holy Ghost. They fast and pray for the anointing, yet they do not want to study and the result is that they blow out. But Jesus left a balanced example for us to follow – He rose up a great while before day and prayed. The place of prayer was not to be compromised by Him and at the same time He studied. Child of God, You might ask: but how did you know He was a student of the word? In Matthew 4 when the devil tempted Him in the wilderness, He did not have to look for the scroll or ask any one, but He knew what the word said and quoted accurately to the devil: “It is written” and the result, the devil had to back off. He did not win the battle with His own words, but with the words of God documented in the scroll. Beloved, every time Jesus needed to confront situations, He used the word. So He studied and He prayed. If Jesus rose up a great while before day to pray, then what are you doing in bed procrastinating at prayer time? Talking will not solve your problems, sharing challenges is not the answer to it, complaining to friends and elders of the church is not the way forward rather going back to Bible principal - is to seek his face by standing on the Word. The results you command in life is determine by your relationship with The Lord and the instructions you follow by his Word daily. Receive grace to pray and love his Word more than your necessary food in Jesus Name. Tonight is our Global Prophetic call. A call that opens the doors of Success and change of story. Time is 7:30pm. Invite others and spread the news about what Jesus is doing in these days. Your destiny will manifest if you will continue in prayers and the power of his Word. I will hear your voice of victory tonight. Jesus is Lord! Thought for the Day: Time spent without God is time wasted. Prayer- Heavenly Father, we thank you for your grace for this very day. We pray for grace to love your presence, grant us the desire for your Word and the heart to obey without fail in Jesus name. Amen. Pray for the heart of obedience in every area of your life. Pray for discipline to pray and to study his Word. Pray for New waves chapel that our lifestyle will always be prayer and the power of his Word. Pray for United Kingdom against any attacks of the enemy. Faith in God and his Word gives you the platform to move from natural to supernatural. Effective prayer is the weapon to stop all activities of the enemy. You will win and not fail in life if you will allow his Word to rule your life. Have a Blessed Day, Pastor Portia & Henry Biney
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 09:24:18 +0000

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