Dear SOME of you ladies, You know relationships are not about men - TopicsExpress


Dear SOME of you ladies, You know relationships are not about men treating us good it has to be a mutual thing, heres what #Nosizwe thinks you can do to make your MAN feel like a KING... 1. Look straight in the eyes 2. Tell him I love you with sweet and soft voice (only if you mean it) not because you want something from him. 3. Tell him about your day 4. be the first to attack : to start a pillow fight 5. Dry everything to win #wink_Girls 6. Tell him that you find him Beautiful, Handsome 7. Take a walk together in beautiful places 8. Tell him how important he is to you 9. Take him out to the movies 10. Touch his buttocks KEEP READING... 11. Kiss him at the corner of the lips 12. Teasing in bed all night until the Morning, yes!!! 13. Feel free to give him a massage even if you do not know how 14. DONT LIE to him Woman whatever happens yati, always tell the truth even if its embarrasing! 15. If he wants to pick you, do not tell him NO because even at the end of the world he will Are you thinking of someone? Ofcouse i am :-) hahahaha 16. Kiss him on the neck 17. When lying on his stomach near you that is an invitation to lie down on his back yep Ladies 18. Give him all the attention he deserves 19. Dont refuse taking pictures with him because he always finds you beautiful 20. Take him in your arms 21. Give him a small cute love-nickname 22. Enjoy evenings with him 23. If you are cold and even though it is -10 outside Accept his jacket 24. Have a giggle with him 25. Give him a hug when he dont feel good THEY MIGHT DENY IT BUT THEY ACTUALLY LIKE AND KINDA WANT YOU TO TICKLE THEM 26. Discuss things together 27. Tell him that you miss him every day 28. Hit him with a smile oftenly 29. Never tell him that you love him more than he loves you 30. Let him be protective he will feel important in this world 31. When he s crying do not ask him why he will tell you himself later, WHEN HE IS READY! 32. Wish him a good night and sweet dreams every night 33. Play video games with him only even if you dont love video games 34. Simply request it and do not ever force him anything 35. Give him a kiss in his favorite spot ARE YOU STILL READING THIS? YOU BETTER BECAUSE, ITS IMPORTANT! 36. When youre lying in the grass or sand watching the stars let him put his head on your belly 37. When you walk together take his hand 38. Always be there for him in the worst and the best moments 39. Do him little surprises 40. Take a bath or shower together 41. Rub his back 42. Wish him a good day 43. fall asleep on his chest and not move from it 44. Remind him what he means to you 45. Put your song from time to time in the room, car or elsewhere REMEMBER ALL THESE THINGS WHEN YOU ARE WITH HIM NEXT 46. Leave him behind one of your clothing without him knowing about it 47. Compliment on his clothes 48. Take him shopping hand in hand 49. Tell him that you think of him 50. Dare to say if you do not like this or that. :-* GoodLuck :-*
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 13:17:26 +0000

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