Dear friends and fellow young people of Zambia, I have a special - TopicsExpress


Dear friends and fellow young people of Zambia, I have a special message for you this evening from the UPND. Once again its time to choose a person to replace our fallen head of state who we just laid to rest earlier today. As always you have been bombarded with messages urging you not to vote for UPND because a UPND government will discriminate against you because of your gender, race, tribe, religion and or age. I want to urge you my dear countrymen and women to ignore such messages and put emotions aside as we head to the polls. I want to remind you that in 2011 they told you a similar message, they promised you employment, they promised you a reduction in the cost of living, they promised you improved conditions of service just to mention but a few. Fellow countrymen and women, the UPND in government will not discriminate against anyone first and foremost because we respect our various tribes, traditions and cultures, we view this as a blessing and huge potential for national development. We believe we are blessed in diversity. Ladies and gentlemen, the UPND in government will not discriminate against fellow citizens because of their tribe, race, ethnicity etc because as a party we know and understand how painful it is to be continuously harassed for exercising our right to freedom of association. It is every Zambias right to choose to belong to a party of ones choice. My fellow compatriots, after promising you so much you gave them your valuable vote, yet you and me have remained largely the same if not worse than we were. Only them and their children are progressing, employment for their children is assured while us the masses continue wallowing in abject poverty. My fellow young people, these selfish politicians have time and again influenced you not to vote for UPND because its a tribal party yet they tell you teti tutekwe nomu Tonga sad enough you also have agreed to this flawed kind of thinking without realizing that they are using your poverty and ignorance situation to manipulate you for their own goodness. I want to tell you that now is the time to teach them a lesson that poverty knows no tribe. To my compatriots trading on the streets of Lusaka, I know you have already been cheated by people who believe in dirt politics that a UPND government will chase you from trading in the streets, I want to urge you to ignore such lies because UPND in government will look at your issues and sort them accordingly. To my fellow young people in colleges and universities, UPND in government means no more accommodation challenges, UPND in government means paying you your meal and book allowances on time, UPND in government means bursary for all qualifying but vulnerable youths. UPND in government means payment of research fees. Ladies and gentlemen UPND in government means wage freeze suspension, recruitment freeze suspension, re introduction of maize and fuel subsidies....UPND means re-reinstatement of the fired nurses unlike now where these nurses are being re employed and made to forfeit all the years already worked.... My fellow compatriots you may be asking where money will come from to do all this. I wish to inform you that Zambia is a rich country. We shall stop all unnecessary by elections, we shall fire deputy ministers, we shall fire District Commissioners as well as tax the mining sector properly. As a party in government, we shall complete the road rehabilitation works underway as this is a national program. Finally, I wish to state that unlike in the past, UPND will not embark on a path of retribution and or revenge but will focus its attention fighting poverty our common. Once more vote wisely because the future of this country is in your hands....I thank you. Good night
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 20:34:50 +0000

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