Do you believe you can live as you please and not be lost in sin, - TopicsExpress


Do you believe you can live as you please and not be lost in sin, As long as you go to Church, as if just going to Church is the key to salvation, God said i will put my spirit in you, and give you a new heart, and a mind like Christ, a mind like Christ minds the laws of God, To walk in your own way is out side of Christ, When Jesus died he became the word, and the word is God, Faith with out works is dead faith, We have been made perfect in Christ, and we walk in Christ, for Greater is the Spirit of Christ that is in you than the Devil that is in the world to tempt all flesh, All sin comes with a thought, you are of whom you serve, The Spirit of Christ bears witness in you , and with you, where their is no witness of the Spirit there is no Spirit, where there is no Spirit there is no Grace, But in vain some say Lord Lord i believe, But the heart is for from God,
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 17:04:46 +0000

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