ELGEYO MARAKWET COUNTY. KEIYO NORTH POLITICS. Following Saturdays moving speech by Benard Chepkulei at Tambach High School during the schools fundsdrive,it is now very clear that Chepkulei is sober enough to take the mantle of Leadership after Hon Dr James Kipkosgey Murgor.Keiyo North is known for electing people with the following features: 1.HUMBLE-The Keiyo North residents are known to be very humble to earth.The likes of Murgor,Chepkitony,the late Sumbeiywo,the late Chepkok,the late Cherono,the late William Murgor etc were known for their humility.Future leaders who may be lucky to lead Keiyo North because of their humility include:Chepkulei Benard,Katem Hillary,Mark Chesergon,David Kimosop aka Kibiwott,GK Kimaiyo etc 2.SIMPLE-That is why you can find Dr Murgor driving himself alone.That is why you can find Hon Chepkitony in the streets of Eldoret alone.it is the virtue of simplicity. 3.SOBER-Keiyo Northers want a sober leader.One must show that he should be mature enough to handle the people properly.Soberness comes with age. 4.MATURITY-A keiyo North parliamentary aspirant as to be mature in leadership,one has to portray the virtue of maturity in actions,speeches,handling of issues etc. 5.WOMEN:Keiyo North have never elected a woman MP.it is Hon Rose Kimoi was elected as the MCA Kapchemutwa Ward.May be in future they may re consider the option of electing women.The likes of Dr Stella Rono may benefit from such choices in future especially for the position of Women Rep in EMC.Dr Stella Rono is the CEC for Agriculture,she is from Tambach Ward. 6.TRACK RECORD-In Keiyo North one has to prove to the people that he did something useful to the people before contesting for a political seat.One must have planted seeds of goodies eg Hon Chepkitony when he was in Rivatex, the late Sumbeiywo when he was in the police,Dr Murgor was voted in because of his late father the late Hon William Murgor. 7.CLANISM-Keiyo North has a voting patterns for example the Sergoit people usually votes together with Kapkessum,Chebokokwo,Kiptabus partly,Anin,Kapchepkoima,Nyawa,Rimoi. Voters who are known to vote independently are Iten and Katalel.Those who vote again as a block are:Kapkoi,Kipchawat,Cheberen and Kapteren.There are voters who vote depending on the strength of the candidate all over the constituency,they will only vote you because your chances of winning are high,they include:Chelingwa,Kapsisi and Kipsoen,they will also vote depending on your closeness with them. In Kapchemutwa Ward,their voting patterns is a bit different because they only vote the one close to them,therefore the emergence of Chepkulei will affect the performance of Chepkitony than Hon Murgor.It is also said that if Benard Chepkulei will contest,Mark Chesergon will step down for him. FACTORS IN KEIYO NORTH POLITICS. Keiyo North Constituency has 4 Wards: 1.Kapchemutwa Ward 2.Emsoo Ward 3.Tambach Ward 4.Kamariny Ward The two major sub clans in Keiyo North are:1.MUTEI SUB CLAN 2.IRONG SUB CLAN The current MP Hon Dr James Kipkosgey Murgor comes from Mutei.He is the son of the late Hon William Mugor.His performance in the next five years will determine his political fate.At the moment in Mutei,there is a new kid on the block who is sending tongues wagging in the political arena,this is non other than Mr Adams Korir who is the Manager of Senator Murkomens office in EMC and also in Nairobi,he also runs the errands of Murkomen in the County and this is giving him alot advantage especially in the absentia of the incurmbent Senator.Adams is the youngest son of the famous Yusuff Keitany,currently Adams is rated the most influencial person in the Keitany family.Mr Yussuf is a seasoned and experienced politician,his hand will do alot of favour to his son.This young,talented and ambitious man has brought alot of jitters in the Dr Murgors camp,the duo come from the Mutei.If the two will vie,then they will divide the votes which will be an advantage to the Irong.Adams has alot of advantage if his larger family will assisit him financially.The greatest disadvantage for Adams is Senator Murkomen.The performance of Murkomen will determine his political fate,if Murkomen performs,he will win but if he does not,then he definately fail. 2.IRONG FACTOR-The former MP Hon Lucas Chepkitony is from Irong. These two major sub-clans of Keiyo North have been enemies when it comes to supremacy of political leadership.In the successive elections there have been tight races amongst the contestants especially when it comes to Irong and Mutei factor.This main factor has made Keiyo North to be the major voting block in Elgeyo Marakwet County.,they usually vote to the last man. Morris Rotich is also mentioned as a key player in the Irong political twist.If by any chance Hon Chepkitony decides to vie for either Governor or Senator,then Mr Morris Rotich will likely to inherit the Irong Votes.Mr Rotich is the CEC Education in Elgeyo Marakwet County,he has alot of experience since he has been principal for many years in Tambach and also Kipsoen.What will give Morris Rotich advantage is his performance in the county.So far he is the leading CEC in deliverying his mandate.His workaholic spirit will play to his advantage.Morris Rotich has improved his interpersonal skills,he is also well networked within the Constituency and EMC at large since he joined the County Government as compared to when he was a Principal.He will have to really work extra hard because he is from the same home tough of Chepkitony.They will divide their votes because they come from same backyard. Another new kid on the block who is mentioned is David Kimosop from Katalel and he is currently working with the National Bank in Nairobi.Kimosop is a First Class Honours graduate in Computer Science from JKUAT.He has also worked in Safaricom and Kenya Revenue Authority.David Kimosop has a shrewed personality therefore,the rate of him making new friends and losing friends is at equal measure just like his friend Senator Murkomen,this factor has lead to him lacking support from his peer and age group.The guy is very brilliant and very sharp.He was in the Dr Murgors campaign team and this assurance that Murgor won is giving him alot of hope that he will contest and win with a big margin. Within my reach is also mentioned that the Lamaons family may do away with the postion of Deputy Governor and Kass FM CEO Julius Lamaon trying his luck in Keiyo North Politics,it will therefore force the current Deputy Governor Dr Gabriel Lagat Lamaon to go back to University to lecture. Julius Lamaon is a MBA holder from KU,CPAK finalist,he is known to be a shrewed business man and this will give him the benefit of running a well oiled campaign machinery due to his strong financial muscle.He will be disadvantaged because of his poor oratory skills,he also lacks the ability to charge a political crowd,he is not a good political mobiliser,this will really damage his political fortunes. Another setback is his brother who is the Deputy Governor.How his brother will work in the County Government will be for his good or for his failure.Julius Lamaon is not close to raia at the grassroot.Their original home is Mutei, they are kapsaniak from Chelingwa.If last general election is anything to go by,then Lamaons fortunes in politics is minimal,the current Governor Tolgos lost the chelingwa votes to Moses Changwony despite being original home to his deputy Governor.They are known in Yokot because that is where they schooled for their Primary Education.Julius has high conviction power and he is a public figure since he heads one of the most prestigous Media houses in Kalenjin land.Dr Gabriel Lagat is really working hard in County Government,their hard work and delivery of services with Governor Tolgos will earn them another chance. The big four in Irong are:Hon Chepkitony,Morris Rotich,Julius Lamaon and David Kimosop. 3.KAPCHEMUTWA/EMSOO WARD-It is clearly that Emsoo ward has never had an opportunity to lead the people of Keiyo North.The emergence of Bernard Chepkulei as a strong candidate despite him not showing any intentions of joining politics so soon is a factor that will play big in the next elections.He is from Kapchemutwa Ward but originally from Emsoo Ward.He is currently working with Jomo Kenyatta International Airport Nairobi.If Benard will play his cards well he may easily win the Keiyo North seat.If Kapchemutwa Ward and Emsoo Ward will combine their efforts,Chepkulei will carry the day.A factor that may curtail his performance is the factor of Hillary Katem who deliverd votes for Dr Murgor during last years election.The Katems family is a force to reckon in Bugar and Kapchemutwa ward at large. MARK CHESERGON-He is from Kapchelal in Emsoo Ward. He contested for the Keiyo North parliamentary seat in the last election on a KANU ticket and he got over 7000 votes but lost to Hon Dr Murgor.He is currently working in South Sudan.Mark also gave hope to his supporters on Saturday when he turned up for the event which was graced by his political grandfather Retired President Danie Moi,The KANU guys really dominated the function with Minority Leader Hon Benson Kibet Kiptire wearing a KANU regalia,the famous Kibet of Kaptarakwa Ward was also in front line during the occasion,Hon Makilap from Baringo County who was also elected on a KANU ticket was also in the function,Emsoo MCA was not left behind,hon Christopher Kangogo Cheboiboch turned for the event in KANU style. Both Mark Chesergon and Benard Chepkulei are from Emsoo Ward,it will be their advantage to agree and field one candidate to boost their chances of delivering the coveted seat of Honour MP,2017 general election will be historic in Keiyo North.Chepkulei has an advantage of running a well oiled campaign for he is known to be well off financially than his brother from Kapchelal. One major political roadblock to Mark Chesergon is the affiliation to the people of Baringo County.One old man said that there is no one by the name Chesergon all the way from Kendur to Tabare,the name Chesergon does not exist in Keiyo people,this will be used as a propaganda by his political enemies to derail his political chances. Another person who is also force to reckon is Gk Kimaiyo,a lawyer and an advocate by profession.He is also an IT practioner.He is famously known for chairing the Keiyo University Students association (KUSA) in the late 90s.He is from Kobil-Singore,Kapchemutwa Ward.However,Kimaiyo seems to be so much engrossed in the development of his profesional career.What gives him the advantage of being a political leader is the fact that he is:humble to earth, easily accessible,harkworking and sober in approach to issues.He was instrtrumental in the Keiyo North Education Fund which was eventually raplaced by CDF.When Chepkitony was the member of parliament,he utilised the CDF kitty to his political advantage.The current chair of CDF is Prof Tarus who lectures in Masinde Muliro University.It is said Prof Tarus is not in touch with the realities in the ground with common man.He is from Singore.His weakness is the appointment by Dr Murgor to Chair the CDF kitty in the constituency,he will therefore carry the baggage of Dr Murgor if they will not deliver on their mandate.Also in the list of mentioned people from Kapchemutwa is Boss,the son of Eng Chemulwa.Boss contested for an MCA position in the last general election which was won by Hon Rose Kimoi.Boss is causing alot of jitters in the political scene. Since the passing on of Hon Paul Chepkok,Kapchemutwa Ward have had leadership vacuum,Chepkok died in office in the year 1995,he was known as a no nonsense politician.With this leadership vacuum,any candidate who will vie for the seat will get a total support from the people of Kapchemutwa Ward. TAMBACH WARD:There is one man who is also mentioned in Keiyo North politics,he is Mark kipkulei Kangogo.He is the brother to John Kangogo who is the URP chairman in Elgeyo Marakwet County.The greatest undoing for Mark Kipkulei is that his family is said to have moved from Baringo.this will disadvantage him alot especially in a political landscape where clanism is values amongst voters.John Kangogo is also said to be interested in politics and he is keen to go for the position of Senate in EMC,he will battle it out with Senator Murkomen and Mrs Gladys Boss Shollei if indeed they will vie for Senate seat.Mark Kipkulei is a graduate of BBM from Maseno University.Currently he is KCB Regional Manager and he is based in Nakuru. I beg to rest my case.Good evening.All corrections and criticisms are invited.No hard feelings,share your sober ideas.
Posted on: Fri, 23 May 2014 17:45:10 +0000

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