Elcott Coleby writes this letter on the events involving Andre - TopicsExpress


Elcott Coleby writes this letter on the events involving Andre Rollins PLP and Deputy Leader of the FNM Loretta Butler Turner over the past week: The assault of Dr. Andre Rollins by the Deputy Leader of the FNM, Loretta Butler-Turner in the precincts of the House on the 12th June 2013 was just that – an act of physical violence that must be condemned and called by its rightful name. Painting layers upon layers of lipstick on a pig does not change the fact that it’s a pig. It was not surprising, but unfortunate that the Tribune sought to spin this violent attack to characterize Mrs. Butler-Turner as a no nonsense person. Why not go further and spin all acts of violence in this country by characterizing the perpetrators as no nonsense people who don’t take foolishness and lash out when provoked? Pray tell apologists – which politician has not suffered provocation in his or her political career? For the edification of Loretta Butler-Turner and her apologists, let me let you about provocation. Both Oscar Johnson Sr. and Sir Lynden Pindling were victims of what we now characterize as domestic terrorism – the firebombing of a print shop and a conspiracy to plant an explosive device near a bridge in Abaco – both with lethal intentions and all because of politics. Both men exhibited uncommon poise, grace and leadership under extreme circumstances where their lives hung in the balance. Their temperament made them fit, proper and honorable for parliamentary leadership. At best Mrs. Turner has anger management deficiencies; she lacks self-control and is incapable of exhibiting grace under fire – requisite qualities for political leadership because I can assure her that the political rhetoric will become more intense. She lacks the character and temperament required for high office. Particularly disgraceful was the commentary in social media and talk radio. Some of the very same people who just days earlier wept, wailed and gnashed their teeth about the level of crime in The Bahamas in the wake of the assault of US Vice Consul Kathleen Cayer, were busy praising Butler’s behavior and saying that Dr. Rollins got what he deserved. This 180-degree turn on the issue of crime, violence and conflict resolution was proof positive that these usual suspects were using crocodile tears as smoke screens to hide their political agenda. Their real intention was to whip up public hysteria over crime for purely political reasons. How else can one explain this about face on the physical assault of the honorable member in the precincts of the House? The apologists and usual suspects can spin, deflect, cut, slice and dice all they want by painting layers upon layers of lipstick on this pig (the pig being this ugly physical assault), but since a physical assault is a physical assault, a pig with layers of lipstick on is still a pig.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Jun 2013 03:21:39 +0000

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