Emphysema can be reversed. The medicines he used are listed - TopicsExpress


Emphysema can be reversed. The medicines he used are listed here !! ehealthforum/health/how-i-reversed-my-mom-s-emphysema-t218623.html My mother was diagnosed with emphysema 6 years ago. The doctors said that it was a terminal disease but that there were medications that would slow the progress of the disease. I immediately began researching the disease looking for anything that might help. Although I was not finding anything that looked even remotely promising, I continued to research. I had one primary question that the doctors could never answer adequately, âWhy is my motherâs emphysema getting worse even though she quit smoking a few years ago? What is causing the disease to progress?â After a few lines of pharmaceutical rhetoric, the doctor finally admitted that they simply didnât know. It was a mystery. I decided immediately that I would continue to research emphysema until I either solved this mystery or my mother took her last breath. I noticed that during 2005 she had been given 3 prescriptions for prednisone and 4 prescriptions for antibiotics. During this same 12 month period 4 of her teeth broke off requiring the dentist to pull the remaining roots and, of course, follow up with a prescription for antibiotics. All total she had been given 3 prescriptions for prednisone and 7 prescriptions for antibiotics in 12 months. During this period her condition deteriorated at an accelerated rate. By January of 2006 she was in End Stage Emphysema, her weight had dropped down to 77 pounds, she was on 4 liters of oxygen gasping for air most of the time and essentially bedridden, only leaving her room for a few minutes each day. In my research, totaling over 6000 hours at this point, I happened on a Clinical Mycology text. In my reading I found that corticosteroids such as prednisone and Advair (another medication the doctor had prescribed) would actually cause a fungal infection to proliferate and that antibiotics would ensure the chronicity of the infection. My first thought was that this must be a fungal infection but then I thought if this is a fungal infection why donât the doctors know this? Further checking revealed that Clinical Mycology was not even taught in medical schools. During my research I also found information published by Dr. A. V. Constantini, M.D., a world renowned author with the World Health Organization. He stated that, âFungal infections are the most overlooked medical problem in the world.â Additional research into mycology revealed a study done by Mayo Clinic in 1999 on sinusitis. Researchers there determined that 96% of sinusitis is caused by a fungus yet the majority of physicians will still prescribe antibiotics for sinusitis. My mother had only 3 to 6 months to live according to her doctors. One of them even put in her medical record that he needed to have a talk with the family so we would be accepting of the inevitable. I quickly put together an anti-fungal diet and put my mother on it immediately knowing we didnât have much time. Unbelievably she began to improve! After a few months on the diet she was only requiring 3 liters of oxygen most of the time. This was a giant improvement and, in fact, the only improvement she had experienced since her diagnosis with emphysema and COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) almost 3 years earlier. I continued her on the diet adding anti-fungal supplements such as caprylic acid, apple cider vinegar, olive leaf extract capsules and oreganol (oil of oregano). After 3 months on the anti-fungal diet and 2 months on anti-fungal supplements she was only requiring 2 liters of oxygen most of the time and she had re-gained 12 pounds of the 26 she had lost since her diagnosis. This was a far cry from where we were only 90 days earlier! I documented her improvements and my brother found a doctor who would listen to me and look at my findings and documentation. This new doctor agreed to prescribe Nystatin for one month. This drug was an anti-fungal medication developed by Dr. Hazen and Dr. Brown in the 1960s. Both being female, I believe their findings went unnoticed by the medical community. After her month on Nystatin she had gained another 6 pounds for a total of 18. Her new doctor agreed to prescribe the systemic anti-fungal, Fluconazole. After a few weeks on Fluconazole she did not require ANY supplemental oxygen for the entire day. She even slept without it. She had gained all but two pounds of the weight she had lost since her diagnosis. At the urging of a friend of mine I wrote a book detailing my momâs struggles and eventual recovery (in the 11th hour) from this debilitating disease. I hesitated in writing the book since I thought first that my motherâs recovery might be unique to her situation and others might not benefit as she did. I also had a difficult time realizing that so many people are dying from this disease and no one is questioning the treatments or the big mystery behind the disease progression, not even the doctors. Currently 14 million Americans suffer from emphysema and 400,000 of them die every year. I have many testimonials from people who were dying of emphysema, obtained the book and have now either recovered or are in the process of recovering from their emphysema. Mr. Miller stated that, âThe disease process of emphysema as I understand it begins with taking antibiotics subsequently killing our probiotics (the good bacteria) thus allowing fungi to thrive. Probiotics act as the âgate keepersâ keeping fungi and other invaders at bay and under control. As eukaryotic cells (cells with a nucleus), like our human cells and unlike bacterial or viral cells which are prokaryotic (no nucleus), fungal cells are able to, over time, emulate our own cells and go almost undetected by our immune system. They grow slowly over decades invading vulnerable organs and organ systems which in emphysema patients are their lungs. As they begin to fill the lungs volume with fungal colonies, the body attempts to adapt and the lungs distend to create needed gas exchange surface area (carbon dioxide out, oxygen in). When this occurs the lungs crowd the stomach making it difficult and eventually impossible for the emphysema patients to eat normal amounts of food. This reduced food intake coupled with the excess energy used in their labored breathing renders the emphysema patient emaciated (the âskin and bonesâ appearance). Upon starving the fungal colonies (anti-fungal diet) and eventually killing it (anti-fungal supplements and anti-fungal medications) the lungs are able to return to their normal size or very near their normal size allowing the emphysema patient to eat normal sized meals. I noticed as we started to kill the fungal colonies my mother would eat at least as much as I did. She had been starving for so long. To this day, if you ask physicians about this approach to emphysema they will tell you that it is quackery however, their emphysema patients are all dying!â I believe this information would help many of these people suffering from less serious lung problems. They can find out by getting the Reverse Emphysema Self Test online. Read more: Lungs and Respiratory Disorders Forum - How I Reversed My Mom’s Emphysema ehealthforum/health/how-i-reversed-my-mom-s-emphysema-t218623.html#ixzz2fY9X3mW4 Follow us: @ehealthforums on Twitter
Posted on: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 17:38:28 +0000

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