Everything this documentary discusses is very important to me. As - TopicsExpress


Everything this documentary discusses is very important to me. As i see it, probably one of the most significant uses of todays powerful minds would be to explore this phenomenon and start understanding and implementing plans to slow the destructive forces which humans have either created or accelerated. As I get older, and more aware of the world around me, I dont know how I could ignore it. It explains the obvious importance of science, but the dangers of technology. Scientists are not always telling people what they should. People need to recognize important factors such as motives and positions of scientists exploring a given field. Its all in how humans apply uses for said technology... Usually the only concern of the scientists and the powerful public figures who designate uses for technology is $s.. (Make that $$,$$$,$$$,$$$S!!!) That is the major thing that needs to change about our world today. Its my opinion that governments should not be the highest power and/or decision makers in society, Rather, elite scientists and humanitarians who express obvious concern for the well being of our planet and people. Its time power and greed get treated as the disgusting traits that they are. Maybe then society will we be able to get its priorities straight. Material objects less meaningful. We might also be able to forget about chasing cheap thrills and methods of escape as a way of numbing the anxiety and pain, which some of us are better at ignoring than others. There is a lot of technology that i feel humans to do not have the right to be using. Usage of various technology, mainly the (growing) consumption of resources, are effectively changing the economics of nature. I hope we can see how important all of this is, and how even small factors end up making massive differences in final outcomes. Every action regardless how significant you are able to perceive it, in time, affects your environment. Sometimes it seems every sign that something is very wrong could be right in front of us, and we would continue making all the mistakes. Do I have a right to be preaching this shit to you... I might say no if it wasnt so important, and long over due. Could be very well a lot of us are doing a good job of contributing very little, and doing things to help the problem. Please keep in mind I only mean well. Money fueled economies focused only on growth are essentially what dictate decision making in governments. There is a major flaw in the new systems and their correlation with natural forces. Its time that is widely recognized, and something is done about it. Lets focus our globalization efforts on a creating a sustainable future rather than feeding exponential growth. Universal environmental and humanitarian focused decision makers of the highest authority. Next, we need a sensible and politically correct population strategy,, and figure out proper distribution and usage of clean water and nutritious food. There is no good reason why any of that is not possible. https://youtube/watch?v=qfp5tKeSQAc
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 05:07:32 +0000

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