Fact: Pork is in the top five healthiest meats on the face of the - TopicsExpress


Fact: Pork is in the top five healthiest meats on the face of the planet. Contrary to what youve been told, pork is packed with niacin(vitamin b3) and riboflavin(Vitamin b2). Not only does it digest easy, but its also known to have some of the highest contents of protein. Let alone the fact that the entire animal is edible. It is said that it is a dirty animal and it eats filth. Regardless to what youve been told, the meat of the animal is the muscle. The muscle is developed from amino acids. So everything any animal (including us) eats, it doesnt become a part of the meat (muscle). All animals have worms. Just as we do as well. The pork does contain the trichinae worm that when you eat large amounts of pork raw, then you can get trichinosis. Is a round worm infection that is easily rid of. As can be administered buy a lot of carnivore animals. It is also high in sodium. But not higher then a serving of salt added to a bland dish of food eaten by the common American. So if you been on the pork band wagon because everyone else is doing it but havent considered to think Why? Youve been informed.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 17:16:22 +0000

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