Fat Loss Friday Check out Crystals Plexus Testimony: Im so - TopicsExpress


Fat Loss Friday Check out Crystals Plexus Testimony: Im so excited to finally share with you all a 5 year journey I have been on. In 2009 I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and I was wearing a size 18-20. I was also in a deep depression. The doc wanted to put me on insulin and depression meds. He said there was no way I could do this without insulin. I asked him to wait and give me a chance to change my blood sugar with diet, exercise, and Metformin...without injections. He did not look confident, but agreed to let me try. Through cutting out sugar, going low carb...I was able to bring levels down and I naturally lost some weight and got down to a size 12!! I also became so healthy another result and surprise and a blessing...I got pregnant and had my sweet little Evan!!! After Evan I naturally put some weight back on as seen on top pic in left. I began working but it was tough and I wasnt able to get the weight off, I needed help. I had seen the life change experienced by my good friend. She had lost weight, was looking amazing, being financially blessed, and I saw more joy on her than ever. I thought...why not? She is a sincere, real woman of God...I knew there had to be something to it! I began to take Plexus Slim. It helped me curb cravings but more importantly it gave me beautiful, glorious energy and I had even noticed a decrease in mood swings...praise The Lord for that!!! I am still on this journey but I have reached a goal that I have fought for for 16 years now...I AM a size 8!!!! Also...my blood sugar has lowered and I am believing to get off medication soon!!! I really do owe so much thanks to my Rock Star Plexus friend for introducing me to this life changing supplement but all the glory goes to God...she wouldnt have it any other way!!! He truly used her and this product to reach a 16 year dream. I really appreciate how supportive you all are in my music...I would ask that you will cheer me on again as I now am a Plexus Ambassador!!! I am so excited to share and bring health and life change to others!!! I really am thrilled and I would LOVE to share this amazing Pink Drink with you all. This is NOT just about weight loss...it is about feeling good...looking good is just another outcome . Are you ready to give it a try? So what are you waiting for? Send me a friends request or message me now to get started...I CAN SAVE YOU MONEY!!!..All monthly products are backed by a 60 day money back guarantee.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 03:13:33 +0000

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