First I start with my own quote { what ever you make today... - TopicsExpress


First I start with my own quote { what ever you make today... becomes tomorrow) if you wake up with the eyes look dull and because you have consciously accepted a negatively dominus over your life... then you wondered why God hasnt answered your prayers ... instead bettering your self.. you want everyone else to feel the same got-dam pain you had been dwelling for so long Misery loves Company So next time; you want to cause pain think of me!!! why, dont you save yourself from all the problems afflicting your lifes you tell your self youre strong... so then show me ... all because Actions Speak louder then words ! so remember this & tagged it in your heart... No one is at fault with everything that happens on your own demise !!! when those eyes of yours opens that very morning ... we should wake up and say, Father, thank you for another beautiful day. I commit this day, my plans and my future into your hands, Cause I know tomorrow is not promise to us ! Amen!!! then tune-out the ear spread miserable cries noisy of the world that would probably interfere of you accomplishing your assessment goals for the day... ( your only limitations are your own insecurities! ) and thats my quote of life... what ever you make today... becomes tomorrow!!! Amen.... I know bad things happen to good people, and most of the time we cant figure out why... But then again as a human rationalization ( wrong time, wrong place, things go wrong, shit happens but life goes on).... then when personal tragedy hits home! we begin to shout a cry to the heavens... Why God.... As God is at fault... Instead easing your inner-pain... your gut reaction is to protest the unfairness of it ( can you at least take a second and think out the box!) we all have read the bible and Although, I dont considered it Holy just because is not!!! when theres over 100 hundred errors, mistakes and misguided information to be actual considered as a Holy Bible.... Half Truth I yet still indulged on its messages that feeds my soul completely... out the box ( I written personal feelings many years ago; and I mentioned on this poem; Whether, my knowledge might seem elementary... let your wisdom take control of me... So I may prophecies your words gratefully... Whether, I am a rotten Apple on your moral tree.. I will graciously take you by surprise like a deadly disease!) wouldnt the devil think alike... like me... and insert a seed within the bible? I dare a true Christian test my intelligence! No one will changed my perspective on many aspects, when it was handed down graciously by the hands of God himself ( My Heavenly Father) people has forgotten that evil exist and theres demons roaming the earth freely while you yes you blaming the ones that does not had controlled of their own body and mind while the atrocities is being committed Possession Yet, because we are human we are supposed to be morally responsible with our own self- actions... Yes we are... but then again no I say and why you wondered I say no... all because the individual that committed the atrocities is not under hypnotist by psychiatric evaluation to unlocked the hidden memories of his or her actions to determined if the individual was self-aware or mentally unstable of its actions... just like U.F.O abductee memories can not be erased just can be hidden with in our Cave-man brains... how complex is that! unfortunate the medias for rating they will sell their got-dam souls to profoundly accused the individual of being un-medicated with mental illnesses and indeterminate sentence.. that individuals fate has been sealed by the medias without no true justice and you yes you without knowing the whole truth! now this Poor soul bare medications to stabilize his or her Co-Occurring illnesses that will eventually make them worst ... is a lose... lose situation.... Dont judge, and you wont be judge.. Dont condemn, and you wont be condemned.. Forgive, and you will be forgiven... ( Luke 6:37) How many of us follow this Command? its Hilarious.... However, I just hope that you are striving to stay very self aware of the thoughts of negligence, Betrayal, and murder, because the devil is alive just like you and I and he is at work 24/7 of the day to consume every ounce of your soul! how often many of you had... witnessed dark shadows in your bedroom or witnessed some one close to you... being possess that you cant find a rational explanation... why things are the way it seems... I just hope you start to wake up the third eye of Consciousness... The battle has been fought for souls and now this is just the beginning of the great war for global domination everything you had feared will come to pass I Alexis Anthony vowed to my father in heaven that he wont died from his arrogant self- absorbed, self- Centered childrens of Abraham.... I Guess you are wondering how would the great Almighty God dies.. must I need to remind you ( Oh Lucifer Satan remind those that given their souls to you... why have thou you go to heavens and manifest a thirst on aspired to be like the Most high God.... envisioned your kingship on Gods throne, which deceiveth the whole world by impersonating as God himself to men... For I see you as in your true colors and I shall respect you... and deceived many more on the coming days ( As Jesus Christ once mentioned on that very cross ... Oh Father, Father .... why have you forsaken me.... key-words for they do not know!) Hilarious..... The Childrens of Abraham are just puppets to the Devils agenda! ( Judaism, Christianity and the very Islam ) I Guess its complicated to comprehend... Just give a thanks to free-will brassy babies... Instead being under God... you chose to be free-will of the world... its okay excuses....excuses... and I must remind the church again; in a Clear simple term; Yes, in every congregation, demons do sit and bide their time to bring about false accusations against some saints of God. Show me that it is not true that demons go to church, that they do get a ride in certain church-goers. Show me that it is not true that the evil one is working in the midst of the congregation of the church. However, you think you can out-smart God in the flesh and in Spirit ... forgotten what a family is bound by.... You... Yes you are very lucky that your very own existence exist, for my begotten Son intervene his life on that very cross a few days ago... but in men retrospective term; 2,000 years ago.... For what... despicable maggots you all have become.... Go ahead leaders of the Church pick and choose what to preach to those weary souls that are in deep dire for salvations and yet they are still abound to the webs of the dollars just as you fond by its luxury it gives and still cannot see the falsehoods implanted on my word! so I say to all and Lucifer go forth Morning star take your share of the pie and then choke yourself to death... for I will return in the flesh and in Spirit with my begotten Son and plentiful loyal angels to reclaim whats heavenly mines.. Amen The only reason peoples like you ended up feeling awful because while you were trudging along with lifes emotions... bills...bills...bills... and fashion to impressed the whole got-dam world that you are here and there, when you are subconsciously filtered out the Vibrational wave lengths of purity to become recognizable to whom or what! when it seemingly leaves you all alone and makes you feel totally powerless..Wouldnt you rather make your own decisions without implications and being exacerbate any of your stress, because stress is virtual ,Life brings enough anxiety as it is... so why wont you harness positive energy....positive energy is contagious... whats the harm of having positive energy ingrained in that living heart of yours... best bet escaped the stronghold of addiction and if you cant... then why wont you use all the pain, the heartache, the regret, the mistakes, blood, tears and life... you all have already spent!... The sooner you realize who you are in the inside...the sooner positive energy will flow naturally all across and around your body or a quick solution; quit cold turkey or Stop, dismantle and reprogram your thoughts or else you are just waiting on something truly miserable to get your full attention! Arent you tired of running the same marathon as everyone...else... knowing the end result would leave you confined in prison cell consume by dirtiness, depravity and darkness... I Know its difficult, its hard, and sometimes not perhaps even possible for some.. but if you just even try.... you will see the endless opportunities of great fortune just within a grasp! I dont care if youre engaging in a reckless, unhealthy lifestyle... All I can tell you that God understands you to the fullest... He knows what youre going through and what youre asking for... But how can he help you... if you dont even make an effort to better yourself... realized how precious and fragile of a gift of life is, and how quickly it can end... rather then going toward Catholic bishop or priest... admitted your sins to men and tells you 5 hail Mary prayer and then tells you... your sins has been a washed away... with that notion you tend to shrug off that bad vibe that has been eating inside of you constantly then repeatedly you go back committed sins because it visually seemed pretty harmless and the mentality of you saying to yourself I will go back next Sunday morning Church service and repeat 5 hail Mary prayer that I will be cleanse again.... I say this to you all think otherwise or else you will be punish according to your Judgement.... you are the Church and I say it again (You Are The Church and God lives in you and also listening to your heart not according what the mouth unleash to the Air!!! Amen.... Wake up my Childrens.... God loves you so much he takes a constant, personal interest in your life. He wants to keep you close to him, so close that you talk with him and depend on him all through your day, every day and isnt that the kind of heavenly father you long for? so why cant you do the same! or else your ashamed of yourself.... You are in control of your feelings and your own fate.... You are worth a lot more then Gold itself.... No matter, what people say to you about yourself... you are the one who needs to either filter it in your mind or throw it out and let it go... its all on you, while you asking me to answer your prayers, I would think twice if I should or not... Just untapped the determination and strength within your heart.... I hope the suffering of the world drives you to search for happiness and freedom within yourself, before its to late... At the end of everyone roads... the suffering would lead them to eventually surrender to the Great Almighty God our Heavenly Father to suppressed the pain!.. Now I want you to think wisely... I will bring you to your knees and force you to surrender... The coming days are near and the whole entire world will recognize who I am.... I am what I am.... do not wait for my arrival to become a believer.... I say to you all again; do not wait for my arrival to become a believer.... Ill promise you, you will be left behind as a dust of ashes forgotten forever Amen I Alexis Anthony overcome circumstantial challenges that I feel fatigued.. it had taken a physical tole on me at times... Knowing already Im alone, Knowing the world will persecuted me, Knowing the Scriptures says on (Proverbs 19:5; A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will not escape) I fought for years back and forth with the world and God himself until he proven his existence to me in dreams, spiritually and in the flesh... Yes in the flesh I say again ... I was shell-shock when I took a brace smack on my left cheek... where-ever you are Kimberly you witnessed the same experience that I had! He did not come along Jesus Himself and The Holy Spirit my second encountered that began this long journey and for those friends that witnessed 181 pictures of various images... I Know your curiosity wants to see the pictures to believe... it defeats the purpose of having Faith!!! I am a sinner and I would never denied it... But something muster caught Gods attention to me .so those that are still sinning theres time for a remarkable change, but the time to repent is coming to a Close... Take advantage before its to late.... I unearthed a belief , a fuel to the fire that burns inside of me... when it seemingly insignificant to believe in... it took decades to explore the dynamics of self-worth, self-love, self- body, mind, and soul as one being... No men is going to deter my beliefs or tell me God himself can not become in the flesh... If he had Created the whole entire universe with a Word Thats how strong my belief and faith is.... Whether you dont believe me or do So ... The first triumph was sounded on 911, 2001 when United Airlines Flight 175 hit the south tower! The Devil face appeared in the billowing smoke within seconds after Flight 175( and if your a Bible reader, you should know this was mentioned on Daniels Scriptures Amen) smashed into the South Tower and If your into numerology 1+7+5= 13 ( All numerology is based on an understanding of the meaning of numeric vibrations) 13 is my birthday date of May 7 is God + 6 is man=13 The Union of God & Man relationship! Simply know Number does not lied... As word can be misinterpreted... Unfortunate the world considered the Number 13 and especially Friday 13th as a bad omen... If men knew how to read then they will know their history rather then basing on Scary Movies... The real history; On Friday, October 13th, 1307, King philip IV of France, in league with Pope Clement V ordered all Templars to be rounded up and thrown in prison or killed! to covered there tracks through history and put it under the rug as if it never happened... they symbolically Omen the day with horror Movies Freddys and Friday the 13th well known Movies on the modern generation... E.T.C! Lets make this more interested; First Movie was dropped of Friday the 13th on the year I was born 1980 My Government Name I. D Is Alexis Ramirez =13 letters and My Social Security starts with 13 and ends with 13.... Hilarious .... is this considered coincidence or superstitions... :) As many times I had mentioned boy cries wolf the story! this time the boy wont be crying instead he will be laughing, while hell breaks loose on Mother earths ground .... I will Unleash Hell and the Heavens upon the wickets and sinners with Gods authority... I Love you all and I want you to repent and surrender your life to God! No Matter how long it takes you... one-day you must obey your father Obligation will be restore in the Heavens and on Earth... Everyone will received their punishment accordingly their Judgement and Real Justice will be serve.... To My forgotten Childrens come home to the Lord, Your Father... I will be with you til the day you receive the Holy Spirit... Do not await For my begotten Son to be seem by the eyes of men.... For I sent my warrior to bring you back Home! Amen.... For Id learned that I am a human and through the scars, imperfections and foibles I am alive!!!! Give thanks to God not to my Flesh..... Amen!!! ( The end)
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 03:30:01 +0000

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