For anyone out there that doesnt believe the Sabbath was declared - TopicsExpress


For anyone out there that doesnt believe the Sabbath was declared by the Lord to be a day of rest they should take a step back and realize what a blessing it is to have such a special day each week. I have to say that I didnt think there was any way for me to get through this day. I woke up thinking of my sweet wife and how she would wake up and attend LDS services in the hospital. They are held in the Hope Chapel! Can anyone think of a more appropriate name than that for a hospital chapel? We attended as a family last week and were able to hear the testimonies of many who were facing challenges that seemed as overwhelming as our own. Luckily, Heather was able to have friends and family accompany her, and the kids and I here in St. George were overwhelmed by the outpouring of love shown by our home ward (KNOLLS). It was a fabulous day! The latest progress for our dear Makenzie is that she appears to be opening her eyes just slightly for the first time in 9 days. Heather was able to lay her head next to Makenzies and tell her how much she loves her. A peaceful moment in the ICU that far overcomes most spiritual experiences that one can face in this lifetime. Makenzies nurse, Koula, was able to have Makenzie move her right hand and right foot to command this morning. Her purposeful movements appeared to be declining for a couple of days when they took her off the Ritalin (brain stimulant). This was done to just allow her some days to rest and heal. Her big day is tomorrow when they will take her to the OR for a tracheostomy. This will allow her some much needed comfort when she is awake. They have been increasing her pain meds because of how uncomfortable she appears when she is awake. Thus, she appears more groggy and sedated. Keep her in your prayers in the morning that all will go well with her procedure. It has been an overwhelming week, but we look forward to another week of MIRACLES beginning tomorrow. The love and support continues for Makenzie, and we are so grateful for so many friends and loved ones. The storming that seems to take place in her brain has decreased to about 4-5 episodes each day, which gives us hope that she may start to become more alert soon. As I am writing this post I received another short video from my brother who is visiting her this evening and she is literally fighting to open her eyes. My faith and understanding grows each day, even when I express doubt and concern. I am grateful for a loving and patient Heavenly Father who allow me to have fears and doubts so that we can grow together as a family. Thanks for being the PERFECT support system--all of you who who continue to love my wife, my children, and my dear Makenzie continue to AMAZE me. Have a wonderful Monday tomorrow! Love, Ryan and Heather
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 04:40:33 +0000

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