For the longest time we have only had enough money to pay a bill - TopicsExpress


For the longest time we have only had enough money to pay a bill that was due and no more. I tried everything to bring in more but I would get depressed because I couldnt get anymore than enough for barely getting by. This has been going on for at least 6 years. Two days ago I finally figured out what was going on. 6 years ago I heard I am going to teach you to live without money. I thought for the longest time I heard from satan and I did what I could to make more than just enough. It never worked. Every time I needed money for a bill that was either going to make me lose my home, or have the electricity to be shut off, or the automatic drafts were going to draft my account and bounce a check, the money would come in. As if some one had planned it that way. I screamed to the Lord on many occasions to bring in the money but all I heard was trust me. What do you mean trust you, I dont have anything. But in fact I did. Everything got taken care of, it just didnt get taken care of when I wanted it taken care of. You see I asked God to be the Lord of my life. To do that, you have to release your ways and let His ways be what you do. Even though He didnt pay when it was due, He did pay before I lost something or we bounced something. There are many, many things we owe on, but now I know it will get taken care of, I just got to wait on Him. God will use what ever you are fearful of, to get rid of the fear and to build a solid foundation so that you will trust Him. Money or the lack of it has always been fearful to me. His method has caused all kinds of fears to disappear in my life and forced me to trust Him. The one thing I have learned early on that comforts me is: Malachi 3:11 I will rebuke the devourer from destroying your fruit before harvest time. All the times I have sown and given are still being held so when I am ready I can have them. People I am a very wealthy man. But let me give you an example of the trust I am building with God. Yesterday is a good example. I realized that over the weekend that I had 2 automatic drafts hitting my checking account. On Monday a 3rd one. I tried my best to stand on the Word that My God shall supply all my needs according to His riches in Glory through Christ Jesus Phil. 4:19. I rebuked fear, I sang, I praised, and through it all I had peace for the most part. Even though we didnt have food money for the week or nothing to cover the 3 drafts, I kept speaking Phil 4:19 and telling God I trust Him. I had a pretty good night in peace and not worrying about the lack. I actually began to trust God. I also asked God did He want me to use the money we had saved to cover these bills. After testing the Spirit I realized I was to wait on Him and trust Him. This morning I woke up to the realization that Monday is a federal holiday and that the money system doesnt flow on that day. It was like having a 3 day weekend except I get to work on Monday. It is giving me an extra day for God to be able to move. So I said all that to say this. When God says to trust Him work quickly to remove your distrust in Him or it will just take longer to get to the goal that He is trying to get you to. The funny thing about all this is family and friends made all kinds of suggestions like selling my cars (extra ones) or going and getting an extra job. These are things we had already prayed for and was told not to do anything except what I was told to do. I couldnt explain to others what was going on, as I myself didnt have an answer but to trust God. I pretty much believe to trust in God now. I still get nervous at first from time to time but the fears are going away and my body is much more peaceful. I have stopped all the sinful things I used to do to comfort myself when getting pressed by God. It hasnt been easy and I am still hitting strongholds that have been built up over the years but tearing them down. If God says trust Him, do so as you cant go wrong. His Word is the truth over what you actually see. So trust Him!
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 12:47:29 +0000

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