Foundation! Any establishment erected on a foundation of lies, - TopicsExpress


Foundation! Any establishment erected on a foundation of lies, cover ups and dishonesty will never survive or ever live up to its potential, unless it goes back to the genesis and establish the truth. Also a foundation erected on compromise, hasty, selfish aggrandizement wont measure to what it could/should have been. You want an example? Liberia!!! This nation should and could have been one of the greatest and well developed nation in the world and the light of Africa. But it didnt and is not living to that potential due to the flaws in its foundation that it continues to ignore. A nation since 1847 does not have running water, electricity, roads, healthcare, education system for all, television across the nation, I mean media coverage, no system of identification: birth and death registry, I could go on and on. The problem is foundational. This is an alert to us all that whatever we toy with today can come back at us tomorrow. I was given an opportunity to partner and help shape two causes. I honestly told the folks I have an unresolved crisis and my conscience and everything I stand for wont permit me to openly endorse you now. It may affect your causes, I told them. I explained to them that folks saw my works, trusted me and pledged support for a vision I conceived. But to their disappointments their first money became compromised and no accountability yet. Only different stories, claims and counter claims. Despite, the overwhelming evidence I have to show how and who compromised the funds, the truth remains that they look up to me alone to account and take responsibility. So until I resolve it, account for it and apologize for that, I cant endorse your causes openly because it will affect you. I went on to give background tips to one and put the other on hold because it requires nothing but public engagement. But the folks on the other side think its funny to go ahead to start a non-profit with the compromised and disputed funds which was missing for a year without a report showing a bank statement from the ladys, who took it hostage a year ago, account. To them, they believe once they are 501C3, open an account, have the lady reimburse the money without being accountable nor showing a one year bank statement to prove it wasnt tampered with and admitting publicly to the wrongful manner in which she obtained it but rather donate those funds to other organizations means they are vindicated or are right. What they fail to realize is that reputable and sound minded folks are following. They cant and wont be trusted with donor funds. Silence from my side doesnt mean they have the green light. Im only waiting when they organize conventions and fundraisers before using the ongoing case in their own words against their credibility. Remember I still have the original forum that has the greatest participation. That brand is built and no other name of the same created can rival nor surpass it. I hope they were following recently in the Grand Gedeh Forum where this particular case forced their own mastermind and perpetrator of the financial saga to give up a treasurer candidacy. Only the current Gedeh Association Administration has not listened to relinquish the lady of a key post. But that is not even a big deal because it is already a lame duck administration under fire for transparency and accountability in its final term. The time this will really spill to people professional careers is soon to come. I am very impressed by the recent wave of transparency and accountability call in the Gedeh Forum. People eyes are opening and they refuse to remain silent because of friendship, relationship and association. I couldnt believe the civil comments taking their leaders to task, I read in the GGF recently but I have hoped for this time for too long. The only way we can do the right thing is to hold each other accountable and call for transparency and accountability for public funds. This doesnt mean we are accusing our friends of theft or embezzlement. It only shows we have evolved and want people to be transparent and account for public funds. It simply says tell us what you have done and how you did it and who benefitted and whats the balance with documented proofs. Serenity!!!
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 17:42:15 +0000

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