Friday, 25 October 2013 KEEPING THE FAMILY UNIT - TopicsExpress


Friday, 25 October 2013 KEEPING THE FAMILY UNIT INTACT Fatherhood comes with the responsibility of keeping the family unit intact. It is a good thing that every family seems to have their fair share of misfits and a sibling or two, they don’t want to be associated with. Have you ever wondered what would happen if your hands had fingers that are similar in length? Would such simple tasks as picking up a cup of tea be possible? Yesterday we likened the family unit to a sinking ship. Today we are going to liken it to fingers, which come in different lengths for a special reason. For the family unit to remain afloat in a turbulent ocean, the family unit has to stay united despite the differences, in order to prevent the ship from tilting the wrong way. In the movie, The Croods, Grug is a not-so-perfect father whose family is made up of all sorts of misfits whose minds are hell-bent on sinking the ship. The mother-in-law wakes up and goes to bed wishing Grug would drop dead. Though Eep, the daughter, is rebellious she is everything a father would like his son to be. Thung, the son is fat and slow. Sandie, the little one is mischievous. A long the way, the family meets Guy, whose intention is to destroy everything Grug has worked so hard to build. But somehow Grug ends up salvaging the ship after he learns how to get the best out of each person’s strength. Indeed when the family finally reaches the Promised Land, everyone gives credit to Grug. A father should treat each child equally and not have a clear-cut favourite. If he has a car, then the front seat should be reserved for his queen and no one else. He has to draw the line and let those under him know what it means to toe the line and the consequences that comes with crossing it. He should know how to get the best out of everyone under him, and that includes the mother-in-law. He should lead from the front and by example. He should be the first to wake up, and the last to go to bed. He should guard and protect the whole family. He should not eat until the rest have had their fill. He should be there right from kindergarten to university graduation. He should let the whole family know it is their duty to grow and develop each member of the family unit. He should toss a coin, if the situation calls for it, to settle disputes and distribute chores. He should have equal expectation of his children because it is the thought behind it that counts. To do this, he needs the counsel and guidance of a wise queen who like Grug’s wife has a level head that every Kenyan woman needs to keep the family unit intact. For more read: ojamesouma.blogspot
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 06:28:02 +0000

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