Friends! Many of you know that I love my job and I especially - TopicsExpress


Friends! Many of you know that I love my job and I especially love my students. I am so very fortunate to get to spend a massive amount of time with an incredible group of performers and so proud to be part of one of the best performing arts programs in our corner of the world. These kids are part of the #1 ranked choral program in our division in the state of Illinois, one of the top instrumental music programs in the state, and while we dont compete in drama competition, they have taken their acting skills to speech competition and walked away with more medals and accolades than I could count. In a word, they are rock stars. The problem is that they are rock stars working in a facility that is pretty hugely out of date, and those issues are starting to stand in the way of the kids continued success in their quest to nurture their talent. The performing arts faculty has decided the time has come to give the kids a performance space worthy of their talent, and phase one of that plan is to renovate our 20+ year old sound system. To get the system that will best serve our kids, we need $25,000 for a new board, mics, speakers, wiring, etc. Over the summer, we raised about $5000. We have now launched a website -- mrhsssto.wix/mrhsssto -- which features a paypal link where people can donate to this cause. Every little bit would help make these kids feel like the stars they are and allow our audiences to finally hear how talented these kids are without mics cutting in and out or hissing or buzzing. A group of our seniors -- Hamid Masood, Emily Marie Fisher, Cassie Harders, Matt Sinclair, and Jose Galindo -- gave up a Sunday to make this video with the hope that their talent and creativity will inspire you to help them. Please share and help make this dream of theirs come true!
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 23:57:48 +0000

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