GOOD READ….. Nate Miyaki’s “Feast Your Fat - TopicsExpress


GOOD READ….. Nate Miyaki’s “Feast Your Fat Away” Building upon his other works on the “IF” diet lifestyle, which can be interpreted as Intermittent Fasting of Intermittent Feasting. Nate gives a plainer than plain dissection of how to implement this style from light to hard core. And at its hardest is the easiest food plan I have ever put to use and think I will keep. From my other numerous posts on “IF” you should already have a clue as to how this works. You continue your over night fast into the next day, and based on where you are comfortable have your meals later in the day or evening. I stretch mine to near 18 hours of going with out food of any kind and then have a Feasting window of 6 hours to get my daily macronutrients in. But since I am trying to get lean I cut my maintenance requirements a bit to promote getting lean, because it all boils down to in the end to calories in and energy expenditures out. The beauty of this system is that you get to be rewarded and we as humans are very much into sacrifice versus rewards, and the evening meal is a big reward indeed. You are completely satiated and satisfied and have replenished your glycogen reserves in the liver and muscles from carbohydrates consumed and converted to glucose. During the day the body is utilizing stored fats for fuel and if intense anaerobic activity is participated in such as a work out you have plenty of glycogen stored to fuel that activity. Otherwise low level activity is fueled by burning stored body fat that is converted for use. The biggest thing I took away from this edition of Mr. Miyaki’s work is that if I were to have a breakfast or lunch consisting of any relatively small amount of carbs I would jeopardize my fat burning ability for up to 6 hours ! So there is no way after setting into this program that I would sabotage my efforts at getting lean….As it works, you suffer no sugar lows, in fact you are operating at a higher efficiency than if you ate the old standard of six small meals per day. As explained in the text…. This maybe the best and most stress free diet going. As it is based on Paleo whole food choices and was developed over eons of caveman diet evolution. Anything made by man is off limits except for the once a week cheat day where anything goes, and that pizza and ice cream are once more enjoyed as man will not be deprived of a diet so strict to rule out anything food wise that desire will get the best of you eventually. The book has formulas to determine how much of each nutrient and ways to figure your daily calorie requirements….A good read and more info on how all you need to be truly lean is to just eat real food in controlled moderation. A suggested read for those seeking to follow the “IF” Diet Lifestyle…
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 23:36:33 +0000

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