Get Ready to Hear the Replies of Your God There is going to be a - TopicsExpress


Get Ready to Hear the Replies of Your God There is going to be a move among your nation, says the Lord your God, that will cause others to pull you by the sleeve and say, Tell me of the greatness of your God that answers when you cry to Him. For I say unto you, get ready to hear the outcries of My people, but get ready to hear the replies of your God. I am not a distant God who is not touched by the cries of His people, but I am a God that walks among His own. Now I say, I am training My own to walk among My presence. As they have learned to walk, dwell and carry My presence, they will see signs and wonders and know My Kingdom has not only come, but has now taken dominance over other things that would threaten My Word, says the Lord your God. My Word is about to burst forth. It will burst forth with fire. It will burst forth with re-fire-ment. It will burst forth as alive and active as it has been sent to do. People will take the sword of My Spirit, and you will see the enemy cut away from territories where he has been taking rest. I say unto you, you will arrest the enemy. You will set the captives free, because I am within you. And I say truly unto you, mark this, dance to this, sing to this, write this and meditate upon this: Greater is He within you than he that is in the world, says the Lord your God. I feel like the Lord is saying there are so many that have been through many testings for so long that you are battle fatigued. I kept hearing Him say the same thing, I am going to fill your cups fresh. He was showing me how much work it has been, and you think Whats next? I want everybody to stay in the mode of prayer just to receive right now. The Lord says, If you would just lift your hearts up to Me I will refill them and captivate your hearts. Thats what Hes saying. I want to captivate your heart. I want you to come into a newness of who I truly am. Not who you think or what anybody else thinks, but who I really am. Take off all restrictions because I am an eternal God. I hold the stars in the sky. Is there nothing too hard for Me? So many times when youve been in a long season of praying and waiting on God there comes in that season, Okay Lord, when? I feel like He just wants you to give Him the freedom to work out the fullness of time at the highest time. Frustration comes when you try to bring Him on a time-table and He doesnt want that. He doesnt want a driven Bride. He wants a refreshed one whos led. He wants a son and daughter that believes Hes enough, because He is their Father. He wants to give you a breakthrough over worry and fear. He said, I want to break the confusion out of your understanding. I want to break back over you a light heart and a merry heart. I want confusion broken down to where I can rebuild the walls of your faith to where the walls of your faith can be a protective shield around you. Some of you have been fighting, fighting and fighting and you are so battle-fatigued, that you dont realize its Him youre fighting. I heard the Lord say, This battle is Mine when you are Mine. Then you need to come into My presence and gather My mind so you can think My thoughts and come to know the Father as I know the Father. We worship You Lord, right now. We give You praise. We give You glory. Holy Spirit, I ask that You will go into hearts right now; that You will take off all disappointment. Take off restrictions right now, Father. Where all those restrictions are, I break them down. I ask that instead there will come a contentment, a completion, a complimentary time to where they can worship You as a King of Kings and Lord of Lords. As they grow smaller, You will grow larger. Father, bring the river of refreshment right now. We worship You, Lord. Father, I thank You for new beginnings. Father, I thank You that You are pouring out Your grace right now upon all Your people. Lord, that Your grace is not only sufficient, but You are going to multiply grace right now. Now is the Hour of Grace and Forgiveness To where man tried to put fear and accusations, you can look lovingly at them knowing that I am sufficient. I am breaking off what man has said you are and what man has spoken over you to be. I am releasing upon you what you were created for and to be. You were created for My pleasure. You were created for sonship in Me. You were created to be My disciples, and you were created to fellowship with a loving God. You are not called to carry a heavy Gospel; you are called to be lost in a heavy love. When you are lost in this love, you will be forced to go up, to drink in, to overcome within yourself all shortcomings and those of others. As quickly as you forgive yourself, you will learn to forgive others. All have fallen short of the glory of God. Your households, your parents, from the beginning of time when man walked, they fell short. Now is the hour of grace and forgiveness, and to take sins to the sea of forgetfulness and not to recall them. I am breaking the broken record that plays over, over, and over. I will say do not count what has been done against you, but begin to count the blessings that are coming toward you. I will have a blessed people. You will know that you have been blessed by Me. Do not be restricted, but expect the blessedness of your God. Why? Because you are a part already of the family of the Lord, your God. Father, I declare that. I declare it alive and established. I release it in the precious name of Jesus, Amen. Finished I shall rest now amen
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 11:36:06 +0000

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